‘concert goers. appear . .. »& May 10, 1979. RTO IY A TOT A, UR LW TUK, oe NT RR TB A Rt Lion's Eye Lion’ s Eye On Music The Good Rats — The Original Rats! | The birth of The Good Rats was back in 1964 when Peppi - Marchello (lead voculist) hi- jacked his brother Mickey to play guitare, and a few other buddies as well, to join his band as the opening act for Jay And The Americans. The band ‘recorded . their first album in 1969, simply. titled The Good Rats, yet ‘internal problems within the group caused its break-up. In 1971, Peppi Sank” every penny I had in the world” into a demo fape to transport from record company to record company. - Both Peppi and Mickey, while working at odd jobs, continued to write songs. They put together a new band which included John Gatto on guitar and vocals, Lenny Kotke on bass and vocals, and Joe Franco on drums - all of which make up the band you see today. Since those early days, the band has released four albums: 1974 - Tasty; 1976 - Ratcity in Blue; 1977 - From Rats to Riches; and 1979 - Birth Comes To Us All (available on Passport Records and Tapes). The follow- ing are excerpts of the interview with Peppi Stern - With the British Rock Stones), did you feel that your career could be slightly hindered by being an American band? Marchello - No. Most American bands, at least todays American bands, got as much from the British Rock and Roll as the early “British Rock and Roll got from the American artists. It (music) “sort of worked its way across the Atlantic. There's no real distine- - tion now it just seems like there is only one type of rock music it's just universial. Stern - How was the name The Good Rats, derived at? Mouchello - I was just given to us by the producers of our first album. It was in the year that everyone was an “Animal” (i.e. The Animals , The Beatles, The Byrds). Being from New York, we took the New York animal - the rat! Stein - Does anyone ever confuse you with the Boomtown Rats? Marchello - They stole our name! The guy who manages the Boomtown Rats at one point worked for us. In 1976. People just assume that we stole the name. We formed in '64! That was before those guys ever knew Invasion (Zep, Beatles; Who, # what a guitdt was! We are the Angel ~ Angel. The name alone con- jures up images of heavenly bodies. And believe me, 5 young. ‘men are bringing forth a brand of “heavenly rock” to our souls and our minds. The band, made up of Frank DiMino on lead vocals, Pinky Meadows on lead guitar, Felix Robinson on bass, Greg ~ Giuffrice on keyboards, and Barry Branct on drums, set forth ~ to show earth that rock and roll * ‘is here to stay. Throughout each show, many spectacular visuals enlighten the When Angel appears on stage, they litterally they don’t walk on, they materialize out of giant 4 part boxes stacked on top of one Wizzards of Rock another, as a god-like voice is heard introducing Angel to “earth. In the middle of the set, a giant holographic face appears, engulfed within the Angel logo, and begins to speak. This is done in the same matter that the face of the “Mighty Oz” is seen in the classic motion picture, The Wizzard of Oz. Many more magical events take place, but I'd rather not spoil it for you (Aren't I kind?) At a recent interview with the band, I found out what these: super stars are really like. One may imagine rockets to be stuck up snobs and that they throw off the “IT don’t give a damn” attitude. Not true with Angel. (Photo Courtesy of Casablanca Records) THE HEAVENLY BODIES OF ANGEL - LOOKING SINFUL? L. to R. - Meadows, and Greg Giuffria Felix Robinson, Barry Brandt, Frank DiMino, Punky orriginal rats! - Stein - On the new album, how did it feel to work with Max Mioddleton (Jeff Beck Group and Manfred Man fame). Marchello - Max is a gentle- man! good musician, and just one hell of a nice guy. He is very easy to work with. Stern - To quote Fether Tulls’ Ian Anderson, do you feel that you will ever be “too old to rock * and roll”? : Marchello - Every job has the threat of loosing touch. But music is always there to perk - people up. During the depression everyone was real down but music helped people liven up. Ya need people to play music - I'm never gonna be too old to rock & roll! : The Good Rats proved to be everything I'd imangned. The hard driving rock mixes with soft balads to form an album not to be passed up. Peppis’ oldest son, Gene, 10, makes a cameo “appearence on the album in a song entitled Geno. Meeting Gene was an experience as well. The love for his father and music just shines in his eyes. Could he be another rocker in the starting stages? . The Good Rats are better than good - they're fantastic! Next time they are in the area, go check them out. You won't be dissappointed. And try & catch a rat - they spend $12,000 a year on em and boy, what a souvenior! ....Special thanks go out to Ellen ~ Smith and Ida lamgson at the Howard Bloom Org. in New York.-Also to Rich (“Face”) who help us out backstage, and of cource to the band. They are very “down to earth” and proud musicians. They are in the proffession to make kids happy, and that's exactly what they do. And Angel communicate with their audience something many bands shun away from. Angel delivers hard rock and roll as well as slow, beautiful ballads on all five albums — Angel, Helluva Band, On Earth ~ As It Is In Heaven, White Hot, and their latest effort, Sinful, all available on Casablanca records and tapes. And speaking of Sinful, what an album! Hard driving riffs provide the ingredients to form one of the bands best discs. But recording records is only one of the ventures that Angel is on. They are actors as well and will be proved, in the forthcoming Casablanca Filmworks feature film entitled “The Foxes". One may think back to October when Kiss showed their acting talents in a flick entitled Kiss Meets The Phantom. In No Way Shape or form are Angel to be compared to Kiss. As Frank DiMino puts it, “Sometimes people think that we are the oppisite of Kiss. We are not like them at all. The music is so totally differnent, Well, it speaks for itself! I'll just be happy if the comparison is never made again!” So folks, there you have it. A band, so bold and so good, that it is a little hard to believe that Rock & Roll‘ Interviews (Photo Courtesy of Aris ah coords THE ORIGINAL RATS Sitting - Joe Franco, Standing L. to R. - Mickey Marchello, Pepp) Marchello, John Gatto, and backround Lenny Kotke. . New Album and Music Watch out for the new one by Jimmi Mack (widley known for his songwriting talents with the Earl Slick Band), entitled On The Corner, available on Big Tree Records and tapes, BT-76014. Jimmi is an uprising star and just appeared at sigma sound studios to record for WMMR radio. Some of the best cuts on the album are “Ain’t gonna make It; “Give It Away; “I'd Rather Be The One; “Subway; and the title cut, “On The Corner”. It's a dinamite disc-pick it up. ‘cause you won't be sorry. . Also on the way is the new Cheap Trick effort entitled Dream Police as soon as Live At Budikahn dies down, the album will be shipped probably pla- tinum! OK all you Zeppelin freaks! The new album by this infamous band is Compleated! It should be News released either next month or in the fall. A tour is also in the works and will probably touch down in Phila. during the summer. The band is now stronger than ever - “Rock & Roll! The Who will be on tour this summer with Ken Jones on drums to replace the Kete, grect, Keith Moon. In the talking stage are the additions of a keyboardist and another guitarist to help out on the floor. Rodger Daltry will have a solo album out soon - don miss it! Have a good summer, folks and don’t forget to check out J.F.K. stadium this summer for some of the best outdoor concerts pre- sented. See you all next year “Rock and Roll all nite, and party every day! il’hotn by Donna Curran: Yes! YES is scheduled to appear at the Spectrum in Philadelphia Continued on Page 8 June 20th and 2] st. Stephanie Stern ra