Guards cont. arrests, while the Police Service Officers or P.S.0. do, The P:+S5.0. 15 a well~- trained group of men and women. They 0 have exellent credentials including Bachelor of Science degrees and ltiasters degrees. These officers are required to take regular police training courses. One of ‘the major arguments on this issue is the fact that the. safety of these officers is in question. Since they are sworn by duty to respond. to any trouble the officers often must go unarmed to a car or room with no idea as to what could be inside. Criminal. acts with weapons have occurred with. increasing frequency at iiain Campus. On the other side of the argument many people feel that by having guns the guards may feel free to use them at will, This could result in serious injury to any innocent bystander, The Faculty Senate is going to make its decision on this issue between October 31 and llovember 2nd. A poll has been taken at each of the branch campuses. The results of the poll here at Delco were as the following, A of 36 interviewed only 13 were aware of the attempt to arm the guards. ilhen asked if they favored the move to Arn the guards the majority of students . said yes by a count of 22/for, and 14/against. However the majority did not believe that this move would have any significant affect on them if they visited friends at tlain Campus during the weekend, ‘Then the. 28 students who said they would be attending liain .Campus within two years were asked if they thought the arming of the guards would. affect them a majority of 18 said yes. liost students felt that an alternative weapon should be considered such as mace, teargas, and electricity guns, Hopefully by :the time.this issue is out the Faculty Senate will have:decided the matter: He'll 'let’'you know what happened in our next issue of ‘The Lion's Eye. : Susan Brittingham . “. . + - . ~~ - ‘ * \ ir ©" . LS . ; . ¢ "Have A Rough Day? Visit The Tyler Arboretum Happily Delaware County is fortun- ate enough to have people concerned about’ their quickly diminishing natur- al-areas. There are certain sections of land set aside, free from develop- ment, where the public can go to enjoy the outdoors without venturing far from home. The John J, Tyler Arboretum is such a place, It's only about a half mile from this campus, easily within walking distance. At the Arboretum tthrives a vast variety of wildlife and vegetation( An arboretum is a collection of unusual trees). Twenty miles of well-marked trails ranging from a little over a mile to the ten mile wilderness trail wind through the fields, woods; and gardens of the Arboretum. It is not unusual for a hiker to see White- tailed deer walking through the pine woods or chipmunks battling in the dried leaves of the forest floor. Birds of every description, including the endangered Dluebird, rest and nest in this 700 acre tract of land... There are many points of interest throughout the Arboretum.’ Perhaps the best known is the majestic Giant Sequoia located along the north side of Painter Road. There is also Black Hawk Spring located along Barren Road. It is the only place in Delaware County where one can get’ drinkable spring water. Early in the year Dismal Run Creek has an operating trout hatchery which also happens to be located along the 10 mile wilderness trail. There are numerous remains of long abandoned buildings dating back to other times. - There is a fragrant herb garden for the blind; Painter Library and iluseum, and an old stone barn called-the Learning Center. For the curious there is much to sce. ilow is one of the best times to go to the‘Arboretum, Fall is nov in full bloom and there is nothing like the sin slicing. through the bright reds and golds of the trees, or the essence of clean, dry, autumn air to clean yor'r head after a test or rough weekend. visit the Arboretum and treat yourself to a taste of nature, Take RT. 352 lorth and turn right on Forge Rodd. Go to the stop sign and turn on Painter Road. You can't miss it, John Lynch