ETE TTTT TTT TE TE TESTES 888 8 32 LION'S EYE Page 3 - October 9, 1975 Coffeehouse: Mellow Mood, Good Music By: Susan M. Siciliano “Who's Jim Price?” They might have asked the same ques-~ tion several years ago about a guy from South Philly who played at a coffeehouse in Bryn Mawr, But this wasn’t as big a star as Croce, or as famed a place as the Mainpoint, This was Delaware County’s first cof- feehouse of the season, With a 0 N 20 of the year, Picture by ADNEDS cMDREN CANON DMEM Poetry | ¢ Corner | SHOULD HAVE By: Susan M, Siciliano Today I finished yesterday in a daydream Completing what I thou ght I should have done Adding in the words and little feelings Living ont two days instead of one, Looking through the eyes of a new sunrise Somehow yesterday was in my grasp Reaching through the minutes and the hours Changing every bitter moment’s past, Today I finished yesterday in a daydream Brushing the rough edges all away Stepping back I smiled at my achievement But tomorrow will I try to live today? - : << SA Z 7 1 < o 5, wv wv. D2 *k Student Affairs Bldg. Student Lounge NAL Singer Jim Price entertained cro the heat, the kids sat back as Jim strummed through songs from Simon and Garfunkle to the Beatles with a smooth and re- laxing style. There was nohurry- ing and from 8 p,m, to 12 mid- night the number of listeners grew to 100 the largest turnout for a coffeehouse ever at this campus, It wasn’t by reputation of either wd of 100 at first Coffeehouse Richard Squadrito the singer or past coffeehouses that made Sept. 5th such a sue- cess. The majority there were freshmen and Jim, who works in construction, is recently forming another group, Maybe it was curiosity, Whatever it meant ‘somewhere to go on a Friday night where the kids could sit and eat and listen all for the price of the gas to get them there. The feeling generated by the kids was so ‘“together’’, Even Jim could feel it. For an en- core, he sang his last song with two guys from his future group, highlighting more of Jim’s tal- ents and the mellow combination of their voices and own material, The price of the Coffeehouse is being raised to 50¢ to allow for more of a variety in enter=- tainment, but that doesn’t de- tract from the night, There'll be other Jim Prices’, groups, maybe even a bellydancer, Delaware County’s Coffee- house,..a successful start, but where it goes from there de- pends on the students, Penn PIRG (Continued From Page 1) certs must be approved by the Concert Committee, PIRG failed to gain the approval of this committee, and the concert had to be cancelled only a few days previous to the scheduled date, Penn PIRG is presently work- ing in conjunction with the Concert Committee on new con- tracts in an attempt to organize future concerts, If these con- certs are approved by the Con- cert Committee, PIRG may attain its long=-sought ‘financial back- ing. No specific dates or performers have been announced at this time, In an effort to attain approval of PIRG itself, 16 members of Penn PIRG went to the meeting of the Board of Trustees, How=- ever, in accordance with the regulations of PSU, students were not permitted to be present at the meeting, and the PIRG mem- bers were asked to leave, Penn PIRG, with the aid. of Michael Baker, Jr. and Dr, Helen Wise, is now attempting to change the rule which prohibits students from attending meetings of the Board of Trustees. Both Mr, Baker and Dr, Wise are members of the Board of Trustees elected by the alumni, and they support the admission of students to Board meetings. Mr, Baker is chairperson of the Executive Committee, of which Dr, Wise is also a member, Changing this rule reoguires a great deal of time but PIRG feels it is the. best possible method of gaining entrance to the meetings and . thereby helping its cause, Springsteen's ‘* Born to Run’’ : ‘Good, But Not His Best’ By: Bill Lee Hagal Bruce Springsteen’s third al- bum on Columbia Records is called “Born to Run’’, This is the album that is supposed to make Springsteen nationally known, : ~~ Up until now, only parts of the world have heard the music of this talented artist. ‘Born to Run’’ is supposed to change this, I think it will, However, I hope newcomers listening to the Springsteen beat do not use this album as their sole judge of Bruce’s work, This is’ a good album but not his best, in my opinion, The lyrics, describing the life in a city mixed in with some love ballads, are better than ev- er. The music, though, is not played as controlled or master- ful as his previous accomplish- ments, In some of the songs the loud horns, saxes, piano, guitar and an accomplished glockenspeil drown out the voice, sort of in the style of the Rolling Stones, Springsteen starts his album with a song about a girl who he is trying to get into his car for an evening of love-making, The song is called “Thunder : Road’’, bring 2 ‘“Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” friend has a really good sound to it, dress fifties! Jig ote feted tetedete tole toto Yerkes kh desde ke desk This song is one of Springsteen’s best, musically, The song des- cribes the roughness in a eity Skipping over “Night?’, for it’s oe of Springsteen’s worst, we come to “Backstreets’’, ‘‘Back- streets’ is a song where Bruce mixes love and hate, as he did n “For You’ on his first re- ease, The title track, “BorntoRun’’, is a masterpiece of lyrics and music. This one is destined to become Bruce’s first AM chart buster, ; ‘‘She’s the One’’ has a great background led by the piano of Roy Bittan, and a driving saxa- phone played by Clarence Clem-=- mons. “Meeting Across the River’ is backed by the jazzy trumpet of Randy Becker and Bittan’s (Continued On Page 4) i 3 By: Susan M. Siciliano It’s fascinating! A whole column dedicated to a dog, and still most of the freshmen refer to her as “here, pooch,’”” POOCH! Honestly now, poor ol’ George has had enough on her mind recently without such defamations, In fact, I just saw her storm out of the lounge, George?! Run away when food’s present? Let’s see if we can track her down to find out why. ME: Hey, George! Can you stop and talk a minute? GEORGE: Not if I'm to keep up with that guy and his delicious hoagie. ‘ME: Oh, it’s food then, I thought you were mad, GEORGE: No chance. Got my shots yesterday. ME: Then what’s this mumbling I hear about the system? GEORGE: Nervous system, It’s a strange disorder that attacks anyone trying to survive both bureaucracy, democracy and the sharp ‘turn onto Yearsley Mill Road all within the same day, ME: It sounds like some pretty heavy stuff has been going on, GEORGE: Depends on how many free periods you can spend in the lounge and if the machines are feeling well, , ME: Not that kind of heavy, What could these kids possibly know of bureaucracy at 18 or 19? GEORGE: There are questions to answer before you get here, tests to tell you where you stand, cards to complete for pre-regis- tration, lines’for registration, forms to drop a course, add a course, change a major, use a room, get money for a club, . . ; ME: Well, this is college, not high school, GEORGE: Yeah, but they should at least help the kids adjust to the change, You know, prerequisites like Form Filling 101 or Run Around 203, ME: The University has more important things to worry about, GEORGE: Yeah, so much that a class of 300 at ‘“The Park?’ had to wait an hour before they found out the University forgot to assign a Prof, Probably lost the form, ME: Is there anything you DO like? GEORGE: Sure. For one thing, the administration believes in togetherness. ME: Well then, that’s more like it, : GEORGE: But there’s such a thing as overdoing something, Take for example the U.S.A, office, the Lion’s Eye office, Student Activities office, Keystone office and PSEA office; all located in room A in the Student Affairs building, The other day someone opened a drawer in the file cabinet at the same time someone opened the door and sent ME: Was anyone hurt? the person working at the desk through the window, GEORGE: No, thank goodness. Think of the form for property damage they’d have to fille-= ME: Thank you, George, Would you like to redeem yourself with a few parting words? GEORGE: Life is like a maze, Unless you understand ‘the system?’ heartburn, By: Laura Keryluk 5 Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you work your way through college. These are things that often have to be taught the hard way and perhaps by sharing them with you, the often tiresome ‘and seemingly never ending road will be a little easier on you, #1 Run out and buy anything that has to do with Penn State (this includes the sticker “Honk if you’re horney!”’) and paste it on Freshman Views Campus Life By: Ivetta Stephens The thought of entering col- lege in September seemed to send warning signals to every corner of my brain, I was sort of lost beacuse my title of “Big Bad Senior’’ was no longer ap- plicable, All kinds of precon= ceived ideas about the cam- pus popped into my head, O well! Now that I am here, most of the misconceptions have been dispelled, Still, a few things have yet to be explored, I have found that the scenic landscape surrounding the cam- pus is the most enjoyable fea- ture of the Delaware County Campus, It’s serenity, peace, calmness and bugs enveloped me the first day of orientation, Ev- en though I commute quite a distance from the campus, it is well worth my while to get away from the rushing pace of the city, The educational opportunity of- fered to me by Penn State o- pens new outlets for career searching, I hope that by con- ditioning myself on when andhow to study, I will be able to par- take of the many extra-curri- cular activities available, Even though the facilities are limited, involving myself in ciubs, teams, . ete,, will broaden my capabilit- ies in dealing with people, Most of the students are ready and willing to make new acquain- tances. This helps to ease the stress after being in class for hours, -Also, it’s reassuring to know that I am not the only stu- dent who feels overwhelmed with books and studies, The Delaware County Campus is an experience, As the days and years go by, I want to remem- ber all my friends, the happen- ings, courses (maybe), failures and accomplishments, I sin- cerely believe that I will be a better and more experienced per- son while and after attending Penn State, you spend your life running around in circles, Happy Helpful Hints «+ ««:- ar 0 Freshmen your bumper, Besides its flair of sophistication, it has become a symbol of intellectualism across the- country, Learn to develop a look of bewilderment whenever an upperclassmen speaks to you (practice this facial expression at least 6 times a day..besides toning up muscles it gives you an ex=- cuse not to be faced with questions you can’t answer from the ‘‘uneducated,’’) (similar to #2) Know ev- erything about anything, but in case you don’t kkow what a person is talking about,, when he finishes his sen- tence say “Hmmmmm,,,, very thought provoking,” Get at least 3 hours sleep before classes,,this is eas- ily dome by setting your psychology book in front of you, > File your fingernails and talk to a classmate while your instructor is teaching, This will show him that #2 #3 #4 #5 you really. “know your stuff’’, #6 Always call your in~ structors by their first names right off to let them know you consider yourself on their level, : _ Well, I sincerely hope this advice benefits each and every one of you for true success in college--believe me, it works;