The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, September 04, 1975, Image 1

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| September 4, 1975
September 3rd U.S.A. Picnic with live
band in back of main
z building
Double feature: W,C,
Fields -= ‘“You Can’t
Cheat An Honest Man?’
and Three Stooges ==
‘‘Rocking in the
Coffehouse with Jim
Keystone Booksale
Classes begin
Keystone Meeting
Tryouts for Rangerettes
Student P,S.E.A,
Keystone Bloodmobile
Wednesday 12 p.m,
September 4th Thursday 8 p.m
September 5th Friday 8:00 p.m
September 8th
September 9th
September 15th
Monday 8:00 a.m,
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m
Monday, N,A,
September 17th Wednesday, N.A,
September 24th Wednesday, 9:00 a.m,
» to 4:00 p.m
September 26th Friday, N.A, Tentative U,S.A, film,
Title unknown at
+... News Notices . . .
Need Financial Aid? See Dean Johnson for information, Room
“C?? in the Student Affairs building,
* * * *
This old ‘lounge in the main building has been converted into a
Library-Learning Center in which small group study is both
permitted and welcome, The Library as always is reserved for
individual study. Food and drink are prohibited from both areas,
however, While you are in the Library, take a look at the new
display on the Bicentennial,
* * * *
= HELP WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE! Want to get involved in a
worthwhile activity to benefit YOU the student? Want to help your
‘fellow classmates get ahead? If you would like to help and have a few
‘hours a term to spare why not train to be a counselor for the
Educational Policies Commission? As a counselor, you will help in
courses, etc,, as well as aid students in preparing their pre-
registration schedule, All this after one short training session, For
more information contact Kate Connell in the U.S.A. office (Room
“A? in Student Affairs),
‘The campus Mini-Bus is again being used to run a transpor-
tation pick-up service between Media, Granite Run Mall, and this
campus, This service is free to all students, who MUST present
their I.D, card when boarding the bus, The tentative schedule of
arrival and departure times is listed below,
answering questions commonly asked concerning pre-registration, .
LEAVE CAMPUS 8:10 AM, 12:10 P.M, 3:30 P.M,
{ront main entrance)
ARRIVE 8:20 A.M, 12:25 P.M, 3:45 P.M,
' (End of Media
Trolley Line)
| ARRIVE 8:30 A.M, 12:30 P.M, 3:50 P.M.
(Media Train Station)
ARRIVE CAMPUS 8:45 AM, 12:45 P.M, 4:00 P.M,
EDITORIALS . ... ........: ies... Page 2
‘‘HEY, GEORGE”’ . ............. ..Page 3
KEYSTONE NOTES . .............. Page 3
Ny COLMN 2 sre 222 sav cvises's 5820 D
BARK: so civ. fll Pane
SPORTSPAGE ........c.¢.cc.... Pages
New! Coverage of Campus teams is now included in the
LION’S EYE so be sure to follow the action on Bags 4!
US.A. Encourages Student Involvement
From: Kate Connell
Beginning this Fall Term, the
S.G.A, (Student Government
Association) takes on anew name
and a new office, Although it is
now titled the U.S.A, (Undergrad-
uate Student Association), The
‘organization itself has not chan-
ged in any way.
Although they have been work-
ing in their respective positions
since the end of Spring Term, this
term is the first opportunity
that most students at P,S,U, Del=~
Co have had to meet with the
U. S.A. Executive Council Mouhers. left to right: Kate Connell
vice president; Steve Winckelman, president: Mark Steinberg.
secretary. (Not shown, Elynn Whilden, treasurer),
Executive Council: Steve Winck-
elman (Pres.); Kate Connell
V.,P.); Mark Steinberg (Sec,);
and Elynn Whilden (Treas.).
Always Open
The new U,S.,A, office is lo-
cated in Room ‘A?’ of the Stud=-
ent Affairs modular, It is always
open, both to those desiring aid,
and those wishing to help. The"
Board wishes toextenda welcome
to all students both new and old,
with the added hope that you as
a student will get involved in your
organization - the U.S.A,
This is to not only provide the
necessary feedback concerning
the current programs, buttoalso
provide for an influx of new ideas,
as well as to provide the people
power necessary to successfully
carry out ANY project,
Just as the Exec, Councilhasa
responsibility to the students it
represents, each student in turn
has a responsibility to contribute
to the U.S.A. |
Board Of Trustees Rejects
Penn P. L. R. G. Proposal
Pennsylvania Public Interest
Research Group, a cousin of
Ralph Naders’ COMMON CAUSE,
is a student movement in Penn-
sylvania whose objective is to
establish a statewide network
of consumer protection offices,
These offices shall be maintained
by students on a local level who
feed problems intothe state board
of P.JIR.,G. The state board
decides which problems are to
be handled locally and which
are to be channeled into the
professionals in Harrisburg,
The local board, elected by
the students, will not only serve
as a link between students and
the state board, but will also
mobilize and supervise the
campus resources for projects
as well as cooperate with other
campuses and community groups
in his/her capacity.
Participating students are
responsible for electing a rep-
resentative from each Commons
wealth campus as well as six
‘from University Park, who in
conjunction with other repres-
entatives will make up the state
board, The state board is re-
sponsible for the hiring of the
professional staff plus the eval-
uation and handling of all pro-
jects, These professionals, such
as lawyers, engineers, natural
and social scientists, will be
engaged not only in research
investigations, but also in 1obby=-
ing and litigation procedures,
There is also an administrative
executive, hired by the board,
who is in charge of all pro-
ceedings during breaks.
The group petitioned the Board
of Trustees at P,S,U, for accep-
tance into the University system
for funding purposes. Acceptance
is necessary for the initiation of
the proposed funding mechanism,
The petition was received favo-
rably by the Educational Policies
Committee of the Board of
Trustees but was rejected by the
Board itself a short time later.
If approved, funds would come
from contributions of $2 from
each student at the start of each
term, If a student doesn’t care
to back Penn P.I.R.G,. financially,
he will have his money refunded
upon request,
To advance Penn P.IR.G.’s
cause, Ralph Nader made a
personal appearance at this
campus, His talk convinced many
students that Penn P.I.R.G,wasa
worthwhile cause so that they
would sign the petition that was
then delivered to the Board of
However, since the proposed
funding mechanism has been
rejected for the time being, the
infant group is arranging benefit
concerts to raise funds, These
concerts will be made by promi-
nent artists who are donating
their time to help Penn P.I.R.G,
All problems will be welcome
as Penn P.IR,G,’s projects will
be made up not only of individual
- student problems such as rent in-
creases, but of entire community
(Continued on Page 4)
Modular Units Supply Needed Space
ro the P.E. building CLASSROOMS
Tol 3
To the main building VENDING
The newest addition to Penn
State University, Delaware Coun-
ty Campus, the modular buildings
located near the third parking
lot, are now completed and ready
for operation,
Nearest the main building is
the Student Affairs building which
has two of the essentials of Penn
State-=food and pinball machines,
The third wing of the building
contains several offices. They
are listed below:
A -U.S.G. 4
B - Storage
C - Financial Aid
D - Career Development and
Placement Counseling
Veteran’s Affairs
E =
F =
(Continued on Page 2)