The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, October 01, 1970, Image 1

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9 R= Stuoent’s
l, Voice
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VoL | NO | ‘OcToBER
Mike Kennedy
It has come to this
reportert!s attention that
the RUTC recruiting team
is up to its old tricks
again. lanely, harrassing
incoming freshmen to join
their (A TC) ranks.
I checked into one
such situation and have the
following to report:
"They wouldn't take no for
an answer, They always had
to know why I didn't want
to join, That's my busi-
ness, ‘No, ! should be good
Cadet Fred Hinkle: "Tiis
year we are not pressuring
anyone to join. Due to the
feelings last year, we have
purposely lessened our re-
cruiting efforts, It is
strictly voluntary this
I do not intend to
call either of these state-
ments false. However, I
have the following sugges-
tions for the future, Per
haps two or three people
should be designated as a
recruiting team, with in-
terested applicants direc-
ted to speak to this tean.
That every cadet need not
make it a personal crusade
to . sign up as many new
people as possible. Since
Cadet Hinkle said he did
not want uninterested per-
sons in the detachment,
quality and not quantity
siiould be the goal, Mi-
nally, if the answer is
"lo," let that be the end
of it. If no reason is
prefer not to discuss their
. Group ‘counsel-
ing is now being
offered by the Division
of Counseling in room
107B. Students are
invited to perticipsate
in groups to discuss
their individusl pro-
blems on a personal
level. This group
is almed et the stu-
dent who has diffi-
culty adjusting to
college or other stu-
dents. ;
“its a give and
take thing," said
Mr. White,%where
students can really.
talk together about
their mutual fears
and inhibitions. A
chance to help them
find themselves."
Furthur informa-
tion can be obtained
in room 107 from
Mr. White or Mr. Abramson.
forthcoming, there should
be no reprisals or hard
feelings, Contrary toc pop-
ular opinion, some people
reasons for everything they
do, It is my fond wish that
this advice be taken to heert
by those concerned, True,
the "Military School" effect
has diminished to a great
extent. Congratulations on
that; this is about recruit-
ing. Sometimes a simple
“hot does suflice,
next time, peace...
oorry Government association
Cecile Keltz
Promises, promises, so
many promises. what ever
happened to those campus-
shaking pledges SGA made.
They're probably locked in
the file cabinet, corroding
with other forgotten vows,
Remember the election-
"Vote Sun'-- a new lease on
life, or was that just an
attractive campaign slogan?
The students are be-
coming impatient with the
new administration and their
"phoney" promises. A com=-
munication gap has risen
in place of SUN, -
"They're not reaching
ug," said one coed, ''welre
not getting united, as they
said we would."
"They promised to unite
us, but they haven't done a
very good job. They're
still hanging around in their
own little click and show
little effort to come over
and meet the other people,"
said another student,
Several sophamores are
wondering, '‘What ever hap-
pened to the social acti-
vities they promised to
have this year?"
The freshmen keep ask-
ing, "What's going on a-
round here, and what is a
SGA-- "Come out and rap
with us. You'll like us once
you get to know us."