A AAT THE LIONS IY: Te Bi ln : Shih i ; Cars / oe 3 iota a = 2 / NE PING yan STATE NE TY FEY a, Si ~ 1! SPR VEEN For the first time in the history of the Delaware County Campus, after the futile attempts of a minority of the Student body, we present you with THE LION'S EYE an illegal, unconstitu- tional newspaper. Unaecustomed as we are to publishing a news- paper, we tried. We eventually hope to have a more professional CODY » We wish to thank all members of the faculty, administration, student body and especially Mr. Smyser, our advisor, for thelr help, : Here it is, we hope you like it and we leave ourselves open for any responsible comment. The Staff E Somat John Paul Gatta "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent People and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of friends; to appre- clate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child or a garden patch, or a re- deemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded." This is the reason we have come here. To succeed. Whether it be in Liberal Arts or Business or Engineering, the goal is still the same; success. Yet in our journey to success we find a unique opportunity. We are the beginning. What haprens at this campus can be origi- nated by us. We can set the tradition of this campus today and what follows will always by traced back to this windowless, lab- less, little campus under a voller skating rink. Bub it's ours! When the future campus is finished it will carry all we have ini- tiated. We have a job of builders as well as learners. Builders of tradition and learners for the betterment of society. REPORT: Mike Curley, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee During the past few weeks since his ap ointment by the SGA, Mike has been corresponding with the other commonwealth campuses as well as other colleges to get an idea of what a constitution should contain, and how this relates to us at Delaware Campus.’ ©0 far, Mike definitly plans to make provisions for amendments, student government and for the chartering of other organizations, (athletics etc.). He also plans to make the constitution flexible enough to ap ly to our campus after we have moved . Mike says