(3) Marijuana Legalization (4) Handicap Accessiblity (8) Global Warming Professor of English Dr. Kev- in Boon mans the camera for the Mont Alto Film Project. Fabulous Flores Last year’s award winning film Two Days Back left big shoes to the fill, but this year’s Mont Alto students seem up to the challenge. The first time around the goal was simple; make an independent film good enough to be viewed by "audiences, all at the hands of Mont Alto college students with little to no experience. This resulted in Two Days Back, an award-winning inde- pendent film which had a short run in theaters in Pennsylvania and Marlyand.,and film festi- val screenings So what now? What new accomplishments await the MAFP? Now the goal is to make a “full-length independent film better than Two Days Back” says Kevin Boon, the instructor for the MAFP. The film project is a two year long commitment, it is an actual class that students attend regularly and obtain credits for. As of now the pro- ject is in stage one—the pre- liminary planning stages. The current students are in the very first stages of making a film. They are working together to determine, will it be a docu- mentary or feature? What gen- re? But most importantly, what will the movie be about? As of now there is not even a story, just a room of creative Gillian Colley, a student in the class, says she joined because “I’m very creative. I love to write and this is a perfect out- let.” She is already very in- vested in the project and is John Shaffer The Mont Alto Faculty Sen- ate (MAFS) passed an im- portant resolution on Friday, November 16 2012. The reso- lution was made in response to the Mont Alto Campus’s inten- tion to end its four year Eng- lish major. It came out of the MAFS Curricular = Affairs Committee, which is chaired by English Professor Kevin Boon. The resolution proposed ommendation of the Universi- ty’s Core Council, the body that makes curriculum recom- It reads “Be it resolved: that the members of the Penn State Mont Alto Curricular Affairs Committee request that the Mont Alto Faculty Senate re- ject the immediate closure of the English Program on the Mont Alto campus.” What does this mean for the future of Mont Alto’s four year English degree? Although the resolution passed by the Faculty Senate is hugely symbolic, it remains just that: symbolic. It’s im- portant to take a closer look at and Commonwealth Campus- es. The resolution passed unan- imously, with zero abstentions. process to better understand this issue. The Academic Pro- gram and Administrative Ser- vices Review Core Council (Core Council), was a thirteen member - council which was chaired by then-provost Rod- ney Erickson. There was no student representation on this body. The council was tasked with finding ten million dollars in savings by reducing or elim- inating: academic programs. The council made the decision that 20 students or more were necessary to keep an academic program running. Programs that failed to meet that criteria were either placed on a watch list, or received a recommen- dation to be phased out. (continued on pg. 5) most looking forward “to see- ing everything come together. Actually seeing it come alive and knowing you participat- ed.” Gillian goes on to explain that this class and experience is totally different from any other class, “it’s going to be hard work, fun, and not like any other run of the mill class.” Being a part of this film means that your name will be forever linked with an actual film. How often will you be given a chance to look up your name on IMBD in association with a film you’ve cultivated yourself? Part of the challenge in making an independent film, or any film for that matter, is the budget. So how much does Penn State have to play with for this up and coming film? “About $15,000. I think.” Ac- cording to Kevin Boon, in- structor, last time around he ended up having to spend sev- eral thousand of his own mon- ey, “around $ 7,000 and I ex- pect I may have to again this time.” For now though Boon wants PSUMA to know that it’s not too late to join the class, they need people, and 14 eV now is the time to join and give your input (particularly being in the beginning stage). No experience is need to join, all you need is an interest in films, “see your own ideas re- alized and manifest, ” says