page 7 Dear Ms. Tiger... Dear Ms. Tiger, No matter how hard I try I just cannot seem to focus. Last semester was not the best for me; my grades were terrible and not me at all. I don’t know why because in high school I was always a good student and I got some B’s here and there but mostly A’s. Now here in college I am getting C’s and, yes, even some D’s. I don’t know what to do, please help. I don’t like disappointing my family and I know I have it in me to do better. Dear Student, Take a deep breath! We all know you have it in you. You would not have gotten this far or even sought help if you didn’t. I have observed this as well with many students and have come up with a few tips to help you out. Attend class every day! Attending class on a regular basis is very vital to student success. Yes some professors put their notes online and yes, some don’t take attendance but the facts are that students who attend class regularly get higher grades. By going to class you are engaging ac- tively in your work because you can ask questions, con- verse with your classmates about the work at hand and speak to your professor right after to follow up on the les- son. Tutoring is free, use it! The academic support center (located on the first floor of General Studies) is open for students and has both professional and peer tutors to aid in student success. You can schedule an appointment easily online or come as a walk-in. Be organized! Rewrite and organize your notes. When your notes are legible and organized it is much easier for chance to jump right in and start on a good note. Stay Focused! College is not high school. It is a whole new ball game and you have to keep the bigger picture in mind. There are a lot of distractions and of course you should have fun but remember there is a time and place for everything. Have a good study regiment and stick to it. Hope all this helps. Just remember the company you keep has some effect on your academics. Your social group of friends should be approving of you studying and staying organized and not the opposite. If you feel they are not serious and pulling you away from your books maybe it is time to pull away from them. : * Let me know how it goes! With love and paws, Ms. Tiger CHRIS WILLIAM-BUNGE Even though we.are not per- fect on the road to equality, it is rea- sonable to say that we are definitely what Dion Crommarty, the ResLife coordinator at Penn State Mont Alto, says about the students on f when it comes to racial equality. As the ResLife coordina- tor, Dion supervises the resident assistants (RA’s) and helps them [© with their jobs in the residence halls on campus. He also assists the RA’s with campus-wide pro- grams and activities that provide a lot of entertainment and fun for many students. He does his best to [i be a role model that students can all look up to, help make sure that their well-being is taken care of, Florida he eventually owned his own church and 100 acres of land, known today as the “Crommarty Com- pound”. It was burned down by the KKK, but was rebuilt and the church preciates, as he continues to see “Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of working together coming true.” “Black history is part of American history, and everyone should pay attention to it,” Dion says. We should appreciate the history that made us who we are today, and learn from the mistakes so we don’t repeat them in the future. “We may not be a perfect society”, says Dion, but he believes that if we keep working at it and can keep going with it, perhaps one day Dr. King’s dream will be fulfilled. It may be a long time before we get there, and it certainly isn’t perfect yet, but as long as we keep going in the right direction, any progress is always a good thing, he says. As Dr. King once said: and educate them to be better citi- zens in the community. As an American citizen as well as a proud African American, Dion comes from a distinguished family. His great-great grandfather was one of the first black postmen from 1897 to 1904. In Gainesville, still stands to this day. Dion sees people everyday who come from different back- grounds, and sees how well people on campus accept each other and treat each other with respect and dignity. This is something he notices and ap- “Human progress is neither auto- matic nor inevitable... Every step -to- ward the goal of justice requires sacri- fice, suffering, and struggle; the tire- less exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” EVENT CALENDAR Events related to Black History Month, Thon, and MA Sports are in bold. 89, 2/6- The Black-Jew Dialogues 8:30 p.m., WSC Men’s Basketball vs. Lehigh Valley 8:00p.m., MAC 2/7- Four year Degree Far 12:00-2:00p.m., Mill // Nittany Leaders: I Touched the World 8:30 p.m., WSC 2/8- PAWS: Leadership 2:00p.m., Auditorium / THON Date Auction 9:30p.m., Auditorium // Four-year De- Du Bois 8:00p.m., MAC 2/9- M&M Movie Night: Black History: The Blind Side 8:30p.m., WSC 2/10- THON Canning Weekend // Walmart Van Trip 2/11- Pancake Palooza 8:00p.m., Mill / Women’s Basketball vs. PS Wilkes-Barre 1:00p.m., MAC // Men’s Basketball vs. PS Wilkes Barre 3:00p.m., MAC 2/13- M&M Movie Night: Black History: I Can Do Bad All By Myself 8:30p.m., WSC 2/14- Stuff A Plush 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m., WSC 2/15- THON Meeting 8:30p.m., Auditorium // Rage Aggression Defense Class 4:40-8:30p.m., MAC 2/16- Hoover’s Grill 8:30 p.m., WSC 2/17-2/19- THON Weekend at University Park 2/20-PAWS: Choosing a Major 2:00p.m., Auditorium // M&M Movie Night: Black History: The Tuskege Air- men 8:30p.m., WSC 2/21- Distracted Driving Simulator 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m., HR in the Mill 2/22- Ash Wednesday // Healthy Relationships 2:00p.m., Library, 215 // Walk Around the World 7:00p.m., PRS // Movie Night: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 9:00p.m., Auditorium 2/23- Free Bingo Night 9:00p.m., MPR 2/24- Free Walmart/Target Van Trip // Movie Night: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 9:00p.m., Audito- rium 2/25- Silent Library 9:00p.m., MAH Study Rooms 2/26- Nittany Leaders Accepting the Challenge 6:00p.m., WSC 2/27- 2012 Orientation Leader Applications Available 12:00p.m., WSC // M&M Movie Night: Black History Dream Girls 8:30p.m., WSC 2/28- Nittany Leaders: The Red Handkerchief 8:30p.m., WSC 2/29- Nittany Leaders: Accepting the Challenge 2:00p.m., WSC Stay tuned for our next issue for more info on activities to come. Also, if you don’t have one already, be sure to pick up a stu- dent activities calendar so you can keep up with the events and be sure not to miss out!