Chris Willman-Bunge As most of us will no doubt remember, Toy Story was a movie about toys: specifically, a stuffed cowboy named Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) and a group of other toys that come to life when- ever no humans are around. The gang is later joined by the space ranger action figure Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen), and together, Woody and Buzz go on an adventure to get back home before Andy (the toys’ owner) and his mom move to their new house. That was sixteen years ago. Two sequels later, we have Toy Story 3. In this movie, Andy has graduated from high school and is preparing to move to college. The toys haven’t been played with in years, and over time, some were donated or trashed. Those who remain feel forgotten or abandoned. Andy packs up Woody to take to col- Green Hornet’s Sting Lacks Punch Donna Dunbar The Green Hornet is, overall, a good movie. The technology is creative and futuristic without coming across as improbable. It al- so has its moral points, and a very small amount of romance. The climax is somewhat cliché; however, the adventures the duo go on are unexpected, funny, and action-packed. I would rate the movie 3 % stars out of 5. While good, The Green Hornet isn’t quite as good as it could have been. Given that Seth Rogen is the star, it could have been funnier as well! Fans of Seth Rogen, like myself, will probably still enjoy the movie. On, the movie receives a rating of 46%, while 63% of the audience who saw it said that they liked it. Metacrit- and give it ratings of 39% and 67%, respec- tively. Ultimately, I think that The Green Hornet was a fun movie, and you should go see it in 3D. Andy's childhood imaginings, and more. The move also has a captivating villain: a purple bear named Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear, or Lotso (voiced by Ned Beatty), who was lost, then replaced by his owner years ago and has since taken control of the daycare center, creating a prison-like atmosphere. If you like laughter, suspense, possibly a few tears, and some Disney magic, then Toy Story 3 is the right movie for you. I give this movie four stars and two thumbs up! FULLSERVICE BARBER SHOP lege, but decides to put the rest of the toys in the attic. His mother confuses the bag of toys for trash, and the toys break out of the trash bag, then hop into a box to be donated to Sunnyside Day- care. The film follows the toys' efforts to return home by escaping daycare and returning to Andy before he moves off to college. The movie was both happy and sad. One could sympathize with the toys feeling useless and for- gotten after so long, but there are some funny mo- ments as well, such as when the gang (minus Woody) are being played with by the rambunc- tious toddlers at the daycare, the opening scene of Fades, Scissors, and Clipper Cuts Family Environment 591 Willow Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717-263-0358 4 $10 hair cuts for PSMA students