Page 8 Editorial Spring 2010 Pt. By Aaron Hefelfinger Why write about the Power Rangers? Be- cause my last write-up about what hap- pened to the cast of a show seems like it's pretty popular. Because any time you hear the words "Power Rangers" the theme song plays in your head. Because one epi- sode, Zack tries to teach Alpha "hip-hop- ki-do". Because reading '"aie-aie-aie" makes a robot voice sound in your head. And most of all, because they're awesome. Let's start with Billy. DAVID YOST $65 iE EA ri Billy Cranston, the Loser (Blue) Ranger, ended up playing "Playboy Photographer" in an hour long made for TV movie called After Diffrent Strokes: When the Laugh- ter Stopped. I don't know what a Playboy Photographer does in a movie called "Different Strokes", but it clearly can't be anything good. Billy always struck me as the "skeevy perv" type, so this is the per- This seems to be his only serious work besides being a producer on "Temptation Island", one of the worst reality TV shows ever made. Who would've thought that playing a gigantic, awkward nerd on a kid's TV show wouldn't get you more work? If he was faking "Billy" from Power Rangers all along and he is actually the coolest man on earth, he deserves an actually is a giant nerd. Tommy, the White Ranger, ended up playing in a movie called "Fall Guy: The Tommy would spontaneously combust and fall out of a building and die, you can watch that here. The scene I'm describing is probably something Billy Cranston wished on Tommy numerous times while on the set of Power Rangers. Walter Jo the Black Ranger, is missing the middle finger on his left hand, so if you're going to cut-off Walter Jones on the highway, make sure you pass him on the left side so he can't flip you off. Feel free to take both hands off the wheel and wiggle your fingers towards him while you'e passing, too, to show how many more fingers you have than he does. Walter Jones actually has had a very successful career, being on several TV shows (like CSI) and co-starring in a movie called Love and a Bullet. So good for him. Austin St. John, the Red Ranger, was in the movie Exposé in 1998 and really has- n't done anything outside of Power Rang- ers. He made a cameo in Power Rangers Wild Force in 2002 as the Red Ranger, and I can only imagine how depressing it is to dress up as a robot man that fights putty monsters when you're almost 30 years old and trying to be a serious actor. I imagine it'd do something like this to you, probably. ; In this picture, he looks like he's ap-