Fall 2009 Poetry Page 9 Dark in the shadows I sit in the rain under the tree where I made my name. Water drips from my face mixing with my tears. All I hear are cries for help no more chants. No more cheers. I cut my arm to rid of the bad blood tear after tear year af- ter year. Enough is enough I walk out the door and I do not plan on returning. The road I’ve been on has been to bumpy and I’m on the road to fail- ure. It just hit me that I have not been in the light for so long. I close my eyes and I can feel her smile like the sun beating down on my chest, but as soon as I open my eyes thinking it’s all real I am back in the dark. I’m all alone. Why is my world so cold? Where did everyone go? Voices in my ear, visions in my head, they won’t go away and won’t leave me alone. Trying to call for help but no service on the phone. Where did I start how did I get here why didn’t I take the blue pill when I had the chance. I asked for the real world got screwed over and ended up in hell. When I walk in the crowd its like there all in fast forward and the pain I have within causes me to walk slowly. Still in the dark I get closer to the edge of the cliff as I put my life in front of the world. My heart pounds a million times a minute and it get harder to swallow. I know what lies below me is death, but there’s no possible way I can go above crazy how I came to end driven to my death be- cause I destroyed the love. I’m sorry I caused her pain. I'm sorry I took life as a game, but it doesn’t matter now because I’m going into the dust. No need to cry I know you will be okay, but I’ve seen the path of my life and it went no where but to back and I saw your face crying, telling me not to leap. I can tell you that you wish not to be with me but without your love in my life living has no point. I’ve seen the damage that I have caused you. I broke your heart and hurt you to much I’ve caused to much damage in this world. Your kiss, your touch, girl you know I'm missing you! But you got my heart and I don’t want you to let go of it. I know I was tripping and I have to live with all this regret but the point of the matter is that I having to cry because of my bull and I shall jump into the fire where Satan pulls. Is that why I like the cold? Is that why I stopped bleeding? Is it because I’m already dead inside? But it’s just taking awhile to reach my skin. Did I die in my sleep and now trapped in this night- mare. I don’t want to hurt anymore I don’t want to hurt you but I see I needed to change who I was growing to be. I know that it can work I know we can over come the struggles. It may take some time but I know you’re the only one. Just in time as I jumped I heard your voice and I look suicidal movie if you are not in it. Once you're in my life the sun comes out, the grass comes back, flowers start to bloom, and I become happy. But without you the sun fades away, and the rain comes to stay. Everything I touch burns to ash and all the memories that are left are the burning past I wish not to cause any more pain. I’ve lost your trust and your walls are back but I know it will take some time to earn that back. I'm willing to leave it all behind and throw all the pain caus- ing actions away. I only want to be with you for the rest of my life that’s all that’s left to say. As I walk alone reminiscenc sets in, I was with you that time §& when the end was to begin, the end of my smile and beginning of my fall. As I walk the next mile I remember them, all I was realizing my fall but proceeded to climb up this ladder to these clouds which would soon be mine, but you were still there and thoughts were still fine never thinking this ladder would get to tall to climb. We built this ladder ourselves and thought nothing could break it. You were always there and where we went we would take it, but when you would climb down I would still proceed to make it and keep on climbing. Even though things would shake it but it got so high I could no longer fake it. The ladder was breaking as soon as I'd make it. I was still climbing you were already down. I was just realiz- Bs am ing I was beginning to frown. Just like they all said I could only go so high it was either fall down or climb till I die. Now just like it's written the higher the harder I could only hope this fall would soon make me smarter. Well I've climbed and I've fallen just like they all said I can't believe just a fall could make me wish to be dead. You stood and watched as I came to the ground just standing there watching not making a sound you were there when we started and now at the end you just never came up to see all the bends. Now I still walk alone picking up pieces of ladder you can say all you want it won't really matter. You wouldn't understand unless you were on the same ladder. I know what I saw and tired from all of this sin. I just want to be home and my new life to begin. So I'll leave it all behind and walk on by take a deep breath and let out a sigh. I'll brush off my clothes and open my eyes just keep on walking and try not to cry. And when I get on through let it be known I hope you never know how it feels to walk alone.