Fall 2009 Page 3 If Alyssa ever came across Shardae Wes- cott, a junior majoring in Human Devel- opment and Family Studies, they might just have a debate if they ever started talking about horoscopes. For Shardae, she does indeed believe in horoscopes but they don’t always turn out to be true for her. She states “horoscopes are not meant for every single person who is part of a certain sign.” She describes herself as “strong-willed, brilliant, creative, and charismatic”, which are traits of a Leo and she just so happens to be one. Jerry Hopkins, a sophomore major- ing in Biology, believes in horoscopes 100%! He says, “horoscopes always turn out to be true most of the time” for him and he defines himself as “always in the center of attention, balanced, and a me- diator”. By now, you should already have the pattern down as Jerry has the charac- teristics of a Libra, which is his exact sign. The Veterans Affair Coordinator Staff Assistant of Student Affairs, Kathy Swope, has the same opinion as Alyssa in that she doesn’t believe in horoscopes but she does “believe there are things in horo- scopes that anyone can make applicable to one’s life.” The Taurus, Kathy’s sign, says that they are dependable, caring, and respectful, which perfectly describes her. Andrea Christopher, Director of Student Affairs, and Kate Bashaw, Assistant Di- rector of Admissions, also don’t believe in horoscopes but it’s ironic because their personalities match their own sign. This survey shows that all six students or staff members have their personality match their own individual sign. Information below is referenced to www.webindial23.com/astrology. Pic i ’ tures belong to their respective owner(s). Cupricarn (Comber od id January / i ) The goat, an animal that takes de- light in climbing the highest mountain, symbolizes the Capricorn. They see hard work, fatigue and self-denial as nothing. At times, they’re reserved, secretive, and tactical. They’re unmoved by flattery and seldom express surprise. They're inter- ested in everything under the sun from Philosophy to Archeology. They're or- derly in everything they do and they take all the pain in surmounting difficulties that comes in their way. If baulked of a position of authority and made to do work under the domination of others, they be- come gloomy, morose and critical. They always long for moral and intellectual freedom. Typical Capricorns are not eas- ily roused to answer but they’re very slow to forgive if provoked. They have the tendency to keep in mind a wrong and wreak vengeance at the right time. They’re inclined to be jealous and suspi- cious. As a whole, they tend to rank among the noblest people of the human race. Sguarias (January a —~ ebraary 7 ro ) ~ Aquarians symbolized by the water bearer, are generally idealistic, generous, and hu- mane. They’re good judges of human nature. Though gifted with insight and intuition they don’t depend upon this for formulating their opinions. Once they have formed their opinion, they’re un- changeable. Aquarians are cheerful and popular among friends. They like to re- ceive affection from others and in turn, do everything in their capability to be faith- ful. Aquarians are eager to welcome fresh and novel ideas. They refuse to take any- thing on trust. They insist on seeing things demonstrated before accepting them. They often have fine talent natural genius in them. In financial matters, they’re usually fortunate but it’s a cause of worry for the rich and the poor alike. In the matter of religion, they’re deep believers but they have great respect for other religions too. Dies (February / /7 x ~ Wore af). Pisces belong to the watery sign ruled by two planets: Jupiter and Neptune. It is symbolized by two fish facing the opposite direction. They have dual nature. They often intend to do one thing but they end up doing the other. They're gifted with wide visionary powers and conceiving grand schemes. When it comes to executing them, they become timid and lose confidence. They’re very romantic, kind-hearted and emotional. They lack stability and will power. They need constant reminders and encourage- ment. Their vacillating nature makes them take up projects and abandon it later. Pisces are fond of comfort and the quiet life. They find excuses for shrinking away from duties. They’re very fond of children and animals. They’re supersti- tious but if given a chance they turn out to prt 79.) Aries is a fiery positive sign symbolized by the Ram. It’s ruled by the planet Mars. They’re noted for their energy and imitativeness. They’re born leaders and they derive pleasure from overcoming difficulties which comes their way. They have spe- cial aptitude for taking responsibility and command; this makes them stand high above others. They’re highly ambitious and they ’re capable of rising to the top. They become impatient if others don’t keep up the same pace they’re moving. The main defect of Aries is the rashness with which they act and the excessive self -confidence they possess. This can even lead to their ruin. They don’t learn from their past mistakes. They’re splendid or- ganizers and have the ability to foresee things. Cont. on pg 5 SEE IE