Page 10 Fall 2009 A Beautiful Attempt By Sarah Smith I once heard "sometimes the beauty is in the attempt". Try as you might, you may not come out with exactly what you wanted. Attempt, you may fail. Attempt again, you may succeed. Dream as you will, you must attempt before expecting to receive anything. Life does not always hand you your dreams in your lap. You don't land your dream job waiting by the phone, expecting them to call you or show up at your door. You are expected to try. To attempt. To go after what you w a n t 1 n 1 i Fc Even when we fail, we can say we tried. We are able to say we gave it our all and tried our very best to make it happen. Think athlet- ics. You've got a big basketball game coming up. You're focused about winning, but when you lose, do you never play again? Do you reflect on how well you did, the plays you made, the improvements you can make for next time? Usually, yes. We rely on mistakes to move on and continue to get better. We don't throw in the towel and give up for good. As humans we are persistent. We should be. If we didn't attempt at all, we can make no complaints. If we didn't go after what we wanted, we would not be able to mope and complain about failing. It takes courage to attempt. The failure may come smack you in the face, may nudge you, or may be a brush off your shoulder. The courage is what we need to try, to go after our dreams. In the Wizard of Oz, the Cowardly Lion realizes he has courage. He had it the whole time, un- knowingly. So find your courage, gather it, and go after your fears and your anxieties. Whether it be your basketball game, your presentation in class, or going up to a stranger and asking them to have lunch. Once you gain your courage, you will have the confidence to attempt any- thing just by using it. You will stand a little taller and tell yourself you can manage this feat. There, in yourself, lies the beauty. And when, if, I should say, you fail, you can stand up proudly and look on the bright side. You tried. You no longer have to think "what if". You no longer have to dream and wonder what could have been, for you attempted. And that's the beauty. Because the beauty is in the at- tempt. Don't be scared, don't be shy. Go for it, try! Even if you fail, you have a great moment of beauty to remember. "Man On The Moon: End Of Day Review" By Aaron Hefelfinger I think the highest compliment that you can give “Man On The Moon: End Of Day” is that it reminds me of Kanye West's “College Dropout”, which, in my opinion, is the best rap album to come out in the last ten years. They both feature honest and real lyrics that people can relate to, and both are probably going to be considered classics down the line. Having said that, if you're expecting straight up hip-hop, you've come to the wrong place. This is more reminiscent of “808s & Heartbreaks™ than anything that has come out since. The beginning of the album sets up the whole album as one continuous story about Kudi's life. I think the whole album deserves at least a listen, but if T had to narrow down a couple songs to check out I'd say that "Sky Might Fall", “Simple As..”, “Pursuit of Happiness”, & “Soundtrack 2 My Life” are worth a download. I'd tell you to also check out “Make Her Say” and “Day 'N Nite” but those songs are really played out and all over the radio. If you want a good look into what Kid Cudi's all about, you should KIDCUDIMIXTAPE/. I loved 808's & Heartbreaks