The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, April 01, 2009, Image 7

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Page 7
By Alejandria San-
tamaria: Staff Writer
On April 22, the whole wofld will be
celebrating Earth Day... will you? Penn
State Mont Alto is going green and will be
celebrating Earth Day in a whole new way!
The idea of Earth Day was created by
Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin on April 22,
1970. On this day, environmental groups take
advantage of this opportunity to teach others
about the damages humans inflict on planet
This year, on March 28, an event called
“Earth Hotir,” which is a “call to stand up
and take control over the future of our
planet,” started in Sydney, Australia at 8:30
p.m., where “millions of businesses and
homes turned off their lights for a whole
hour,” according to http://; after Sydney, the whole
world followed...
Penn State University is going green as
much as it can. In spring 2006, “Penn State
Housing and the Office of Physical Plant
formed Take Charge! to promote responsible
energy use in the residence halls and around
campus,” according to the website
So, how can Penn State students actually
help? Here are some useful tips on how to go
green: print duplex, use cold water while do-
ing laundry, take shorter showers, turn off the
faucet while brushing your teeth, turn off
electronic devices while not using them, take
the stairs instead of the elevator, and recycle,
recycle, recycle as much as you can!
Everyone is asking how Penn State Mont
Alto, known for being a forestry school, will
be celebrating this awesome day? The cam-
the day, sponsored by the Student Govern-
ment Association, where students, from 1:00
p.m. to 4:00 p.m., will get to paint the new
bleachers from the baseball field and clean
around campus.
Some Mont
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Alto stu- >
dents are Pog
their part.
Emily- "\\
nelle o> NS
Manotti will Q 5
be wearing eco- y
friendly clothes and she will be participat-
ing in the campus cleanup during Earth Day.
Freshman Jonathan Ley recycles as much as
he can; Sophomore Athalie McGlothin said
she tries to take care of the planet all the time;
Freshman Kevin Lewis will try not to use
electricity on April 22" and Freshman Joseph
Flaim will stop smoking for a whole day.
The idea of Earth Day is for people
around the globe to help keep the planet
clean. There are many organizations world-
wide that work every day trying to achieve
the same goal: keeping planet Earth alive a
little bit longer. Those organizations, such as
Earth First, Earthwatch, Greenpeace, and the
World Wide Fund for Nature, are always
looking for new members. Help save the
planet! Join them! : ;
Here are some websites with useful
information on how to go green:,
go green save green,, planet-
Etiquette cont.
into great consideration. The first black
tie etiquette guideline is to dress appro-
priately. If a man should receive an invi-
tation to a black tie party, well, his
wardrobe is already picked out for him.
Men should wear a black tie and a
jacket. Woman, on the other hand,
should wear an evening gown. Do not
try to be the center of attention or try to
be unique, for this is not the appropriate
occasion. This is a formal event for a
black tie event, and the last thing that
one should try to do is stand out from
everyone else.
Also while at a black tie occasion,
one must be able to socialize with his or
her guests. The second and third guide-
lines for black tie events go together,
which are greeting someone and giving
because the shaking of someone’s hand
is a greeting. When hosting a party, al-
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