April 2009 Feature Page 5 ‘When looking for a mate, what are some qualities to look for? Some may say honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor. One qualitiy that does not necessarily come to mind quickly is etiquette. According to dictionary.com, “Etiquette is a system of rules and conventions that regulate social and professional behavior.” It can be re- ferred to as the “proper” way of living life. There are many different types of eti- quette. However, the most common forms of etiquette that people need to be more educated on are dating, table manners, and black tie occasions. Have no fear, Shonna’s guidelines are here! By following these guidelines of etiquette, one will no longer doubt himself or herself when faced with preparing to go on a date, eating at a fancy restaurant, or being the host or guest at an elegant event. Dating can be a nerve-racking experi- ence, especially if one does not have any experience in the dating field. However, there are basic guidelines that everyone must follow when getting prepared for a date. The first guideline is to be on time. Being on time is crucial when goingona date. It shows respect for the prospective date if one would take the time to show up early. By being on time, one will be doing his or her date a favor, so he or she will not have to go through the stress of possibly being stood up. Women greatly appreciate when their dates are on time. Another guideline to keep in mind be- fore going on a date is to make sure to dress well. In this day in age with all of these fashion shows and magazines, there is abso- lutely no excuse for someone not to look decently. Men, take the time out to iron clothes, and women, take the time to buy clothes that actually fit! One must also con- sider the occasion of the date. There is nothing more embarrassing than going to play laser tag, wearing stilettos and a mini- dress. This is a big fashion no-no. Also, one would not want to be caught at a fancy res- taurant wearing a sweat suit and a fitted cap. Not only is this embarrassing, but this _ can-also create unwanted attention. Along with dressing up and being on time, there are other things that one should consider for a date. Most people have been were not attracted to their date. What does line when dating is to give everyone a good chance. Although one may not be physi- cally attracted to yourdate, this is no excuse to.be rude or to run away from the date. We are all human beings, and we have feelings. Physical appearance is only one asset to a person. The more one gets to know his or her date, the more likely that there will be a common interest between the two. The say- ing really does hold true: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Let’s say by chance that there is nothing of common interest be- tween the two. Some men may decide to talk about themselves the whole night be- cause they are not interested in what their dates may have to say. This will only lead should not talk about themselves the whole night If one is not interested in the person that he or she may be with on a date, do not say those magical words of “I will call you.” By that he likes the person whom he just went out on a date with. A woman will con- stantly wait by the phone until he calls. Into You” says, “Maybe he lost my number or is out of town or got hit by a cab.” Women are often in denial. They make ex- cuses as to why he has not called yet. Woman should not put themselves through this stress and should just move on. He is just a guy, and there are plenty of fish in the sea. : In today’s society, people are so quick to slurp up their food and burp so noncha- lantly that they do not realize that it is bad table manners. Truth be told, many Ameri- cans do not have table manners. America is not even looked at as having manners through media, as well as other countries. On VH1, there are shows such as Charm School and From G’s To Gents. People on these shows are depicted as having no class and are in serious need of help in being the respectable young men and women that they should be! While I do appreciate their efforts, it is right for tbhem to represent the American citizens. Many do not like going to restau- rants because they feel it is complicated, especially where the silverware is con- cerned. “Table etiquette makes me really | confused because I do not know when to use what fork or spoon first. It is a lot of work, and that’s why I don’t go to real fancy restaurants. I was not even taught about these kinds of thing” (Graham). Graham noted that be- cause she grew up in the projects, she never had the opportunity to go to a fancy restau- rant, so sometimes it is not that people do not want to learn proper etiquette; it is that they have no occasion to learn. For people who have never been taught table manners, - not knowing what to do. However, the rules of table etiquette are fairly simple. A key guideline of how to have proper table eti- quette at a restaurant is to know when to use each utensil. For starters, always work from the outside in. First are the appetizer plate and then the main course. The outer- most utensils to be used are the appetizer fork and then the dinner plate fork. The same guideline applies with the spoons. The outermost spoon is the soup spoon, the sec- ond spoon is for the dinner plate, and the third spoon is for dessert. If one remembers to always start from the outside and work in, one will exhibit great table etiquette. In addition to having great table eti- quette, one must also learn the basic guide- lines of how to conduct himself of herself while at an event. Whether one is hosting or attending a party, one must always maintain black tie etiquette. "Model the behavior in your everyday life in a way that always re- flects how you would like to be treated" (Pulsifer). At a black tie occasion, one would be upset if someone came to a party being rude to everyone and not dressed appropriately. Therefore, it is im- portant for the host to remain in good stand- ing and model the behavior that one would like the guests to portray. To elaborate on Pulsifer’s point, take these next guidelines into great consideration. The first black tie