February 2009 Page 5 BY JOSHUA ENRIQUEZ Staff Writer Couples see Valentine’s Day as the day to show affection to their significant other by provid- ing them some sort of a gift such as jewelry, dinner and a movie, or spending some time together gaz- ing at the stars. No matter what present one may give on Valen- cial and memorable. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14, which is named after numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. There is one specific story about a cer- tain priest named Valentine that the Western hemisphere has adopted a custom. In early times, Valentine re- fused a law that was made by the Roman Emperor Claudius II, who had ordered young men to remain single. He did this to increase his army, believing that a married man was not a good ingredient for being an efficient soldier. The priest, § Valentine, se- | cretly performed ! marriage ceremo- nies: for young men. When Claudius found out, he had Val- entine arrested and sen- tenced to death. On the evening before Valentine § was to be executed, he wrote the first “Valentine”, which was addressed to a young girl that was identified to be his beloved. It was a note that read, “From your Valentine”, which is the custom that the ‘Western Hemisphere has adopted. 22 In the west, it is usually the men who present the gifts to the women. In Japan, it is the women that present gifts to the men on White Day, which is one month after Valentine’s Day. White Day is a day females present chocolate gifts to their significant others as an expression of love. The re- ceiver usually prefers handmade chocolate because it is a sign that the receiving person is the other’s “only one.” Valentine’s Day, in general, should be a reminder of why two people chose to be together. It is not only just about one’s significant other but also one’s family and friends. “When 1 wake up, I would want to see the man of my dreams lying in bed next to me and I would want to spend the entire day with him”, says Freshman Alyssa Lee Politi. When asked, “What would you want the most from your significant other”, she replied, “acceptance for who I am because there are too many rela- tionships where the significant other does not accept the good and the bad of the other person. They in- tend to change them for h the better jw hen some - times it’s for the worse.” For Fresh- men Lauren Rodri- guez and Emilynelle Manotti, Valentine’s Day is “superficial because it’s one day out of the year where you de- cide to show ‘extra love’. Why can’t you do it all year round?” Gift Lauren has ever received was when she “got asked out once on Valentine’s Day and it was pretty funny because she put roses in my locker with a note in it. I thought it was a stalker so I started look- ing around to find her and she looked so beau- tiful that day; she was wearing this really ele- gant dress.” Freshman Representa- tive Michael Chang says, “To me, every | day is Valen- | tine’s Day be- | cause you can | always find something new to do for your significant other.” For his significant other, he would “order take-out from their favorite restaurant, stay home, and watch a movie to- gether.” “I think Valentine’s Day is a crappy holiday because it’s sup- posed to promote love and peace. We’re supposed to be having that every day of the year so why con- fine that to be one day”, says Freshman Jerry Hopkins. On Val- entine’s Day, “I would go out to have a candlelit dinner or go to the movies with my significant other.” J Freshman money for special people. It’s le. almost like an excuse to spend money but you can L do that any other day. It’s | almost like it’s manda- | tory to spend money. Other pee than that, - I’m glad to help the economy in some shape or form.” One memorable moment that he had on Valentine’s Day was when “I went ice skating with my significant other and ate at Ruby Tuesday’s. Even though it was a group thing, I had a good time.” Freshman Adriana San- tamaria, says “Valentine’s Day is the day to commemorate the love you have for your friends, family, yourself, and for that special someone.” For that day, “I’m go- ing to spend the day with my significant other and hang out with friends and have a fun dinner. We could exchange gifts, go to the movies and even have | some ice cream!” While some people love the idea of spending f the whole day with their I significant others, others think that the holiday is just a poor excuse to show extra love and presents. People wonder that if one can show people be able to do that every day the whole year round.