page 6 The Fourth Wall By Ashley Rowe Layout Editor Penn State alumnus Ryan Buell knows something about the paranormal. When Buell was a child, he was haunted by a “dark, troll-like figure.” In later years, when Buell began attending the Pennsylvania State University, he wanted to give others a chance to learn more about paranormal phenomena and to research its existence. Thus was born the Paranormal Research Society (or PRS) in 2001, founded by Buell. The members of the group consist of many other individuals who also claim to have experienced the paranormal. Since its inception, the PRS has been successfully operating for over 7 years and is comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students. Though Buell has since graduated from Penn State and is now pursuing an advanced degree, he is still the director of the PRS. Buell also teaches a class at Penn State for members of the PRS. Recently, the Paranormal Research Society has gained some notoriety through the A&E Channel television show “Paranormal State”, which follows Buell and other members of the PRS as they research reported phenomena. The show is a half- hour investigation into the paranormal activity that is being brought to the group’s attention by fellow citizens. Buell’s mission statement is to “scientifically and spiritually explore the supernatural.” However, one cannot help but feel that Buell and company transcend this self- proposed designation. Indeed, while watching the show the viewer cannot help but recognize that the group genuinely cares about the subjects they are trying to help. After all, the group’s main purpose is to help those in need, not necessarily to solve anything. By Andrew Lynn Staff Writer “There’s something in the air,” said Apple CEO Steve Jobs, as he introduced a revolutionary notebook in mid-January at Macworld 2008. Jobs began the keynote presentation by comparing the notebook to a competitive model of the Sony series notebook. The thickest part of Apple’s new model is thinner than the compact Sony’s thinnest part. The Macbook Air, the world’s thinnest notebook, can be stored in a manila envelope, as shown by Jobs. Made of Apple’s iconic recyclable aluminum casing, the new notebook weighs only three pounds. One would think with such thinness and mobility its usable size would be compromised. Yet Apple still offers a widescreen 13.3 inch display unlike its rival, Sony. Macbook Air comes with a full size keyboard and a built in ambient light sensor that adjusts to the amount of light to ensure that the user can see the keyboard. Jobs eagerly announced the lack of an optical drive which limits the features of the new notebook. However, with this announcement came a solution. “Well, we’re going to do that [install software] wirelessly too, we innovated in a way only Apple can,” said Jobs. The introduction of Remote Disk is the first of its kind. It is software that allows Macbook Air consumers to use a Mac or PC to Apple has also built an external USB-run optical drive for consumers without a remote PC or Mac; available for an additional $99. Apple remains true to its standards including a built-in iSight camera, lithium-polymer battery with approximately five hours of life, MagSafe adaptor, wireless-N and Bluetooth technologies, and video out-put components that are relevant to the Nevertheless, the way that the investigative material is presented diminishes its credibility. Like any reality show on television—or any other show for that matter—there is a certain amount of interest that needs to be created to keep the show engaging. For example, Buell and company frequently describe hearing noises or sensing auras around them during their investigations. But how can we really measure these sensations when there is no evidence to support them? Indeed, no evidence is shown that any activity is happening during the supposed investigations. Though it may be difficult for the investigators to prove there are any sensations occurring, it seems reasonable that any noises that the group hears should be broadcast audibly over the air. The show’s main goal, however, is to “help people who are having experiences...not provide evidence.” But how can a person really investigate something that he or she will never be able to prove? To further complicate the issue, the show is presented in a deliberately and artificially spooky manner. Eerie music gives the show a somewhat silly demeanor. The over-dramatized dialogue adds to the “chilling” effect that the viewer is supposed to receive. This leaves the audience wondering if the supposed validity of the show should be questioned. Could the show possibly be scripted? It seems plausible. Considering the fantastic abundance of mediocre reality shows these days, anything is possible. Quite possibly, the events that are happening during the investigations are real. However, the editing of the show limits the amount of truth being delivered to the viewers, leaving them with only an incomplete understanding of what was just investigated. But is it really Buell’s fault that his time. Apple updated to the newest version of wireless, wireless-N, which eliminates the need to purchase the upgrade from the online store like other Macbook and Macbook Pro users. Newly added is a Micro-DVI port which is compatible with other video out- puts ranging from DVI to S-video, explained Jobs. Intel has yet again paired up with Apple, cutting down on the size of the processor, though limiting its speed. Standard is a 1.6GHz Intel Core 2 duo processor with an optional upgrade to 1.8GHz, both of which cannot compare to other iMac and Macbook speeds. Apple also reduced the amount of hard drive message isn’t getting across? Is A&E just out to make a quick buck? To be sure, it is difficult to tell how and why the show deviates from the intended message. But despite the glaring disconnect, Buell and his team remain resolute in their journey. Despite any pitfalls, something obviously interested viewers in ”Paranormal State,” as the show brought in 2.5 million viewers for its opening night, the largest for any television show broadcast on A&E. Though many folks are skeptical about the show, base—which, to be fair, is mostly contrived of Penn State students. Whether or not they prove any paranormal activity, Buell and company have done a good job at keeping the masses entertained. After all, that’s what show business is all about. “Paranormal State” is shown Mondays at 10 PM Eastern on A&E. available compared to other Macbooks. Macbook Air comes standard with an 80GB hard drive and an option to reduce moving parts by swapping to a solid state 64GB hard drive. Macbook Air remains ultra- portable even in environmental aspects. All of features of the Macbook are more recyclable than before and all packed in low-volume packaging as reported by Steve Jobs.: Apple maintains its values with mercury-free LCD display. All the glass is arsenic-free. The new notebook meets ENERGY STAR requirements to ensure that after purchasing the notebook for about $1799, its consumers can maintain alow electricity bill while charging it. ; As Jobs stated, there truly was something in the air for Apple. Consumers will soon make the decision to accept or reject the compromise of reduced storage and features. The Macbook Air is due to ship in early-February. -— oes at’ RL