Page 8 Last semester there were two stu- dents that were charged with rape.” The two students charged with rape were under the influence of alcohol when the crime was committed on dorm. So far this semester there hasn’t been any reported sexual mishaps on cam- pus related to alcohol. This se- mester, if caught underage drink- ing students may find themselves with a $300 fine and a citation or other sanction. After talking to some of the female students about their safety at night, most of them felt safe overall, but did had concerns about walking alone at night. “I feel about 90% safe on campus but the other 10% is because someone might snatch me up at night when walking home alone,” order to ensure the safety of the students the campus police make their rounds around campus at least twice for every four hours. Officer Wagner informed that “we patrol parking lots, class rooms, and dorms...we’re ‘around.’” Even though the police - are “around,” some Mont Alto stu- dents still came up with sugges- tions to “up” the security. Fresh- man Greg Nattson suggested that “there should be ID checks on campus.” He continued, “I don’t like the fact that there are not any security gates because anyone could just walk onto campus.” The*Mont Alto Campus has approximately 500 students that live on campus and there are five police officers which make up 100 to one student to officer ratio. From these statistics the police force feel that they have very good security and enough man power. University policeman, Officer Wagner, explains safety around campus. Resi- dents express their concerns about se- curity. " Volleyball | i