The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, October 01, 2008, Image 2
News October 2008 BY) KEVIN MOMPLAISIR Staff Writer ©. On Tuesday, March 19, 12008, members of the Mont Alto council approved the plans for off-campus student housing on Slab Town Road, which is only a block from campus. This develop- ment came about when the students that needed housing increased. When there are not enough rooms available, students are placed on a waiting list. This year there have been a lot of Penn State students with out hous- students that find themselves without housing is an out- dated off-campus list that was last updated in Aly 2007. Most apartments in the area are unaffordable unless one is able to find three or more people to divide the price of rent. The construc- tion of this new townhouse all of the students that can’t find housing. It will bring housing to 100 students around the Spring of 2009. ‘this new housing, there are some outraged members of the community. To some residents | of the area, Penn loud noises, and act in a dis- orderly way. Incidents like last year’s riot on Verdier Street where students walked through yards, uri- ‘hate BY JULIA RITCHEY Editor-in-chief THON is a year-long THON is soliciting. THON is canning. THON is people. THON is dancing. THON is pain. THON is the children. Most of all, though, THON is seeing real heroes. Since 1972, The Four Diamonds Fund has helped over 2,000 families receive financial and emotional help. The Four Diamonds Fund benefits the pediatric cancer center of Hershey’s Penn State Medical Center. The fund was started in memory of Christopher Millard. The name Four Dia- monds figuratively represents the traits that Christopher believed could help him beat cancer. In a story that Chris- topher wrote shortly before he died at the age of 14, he wrote a noble tale about a knight who defeated a villain by collecting four diamonds during his challenges. The traits he described in his story are courage, wisdom, hon- esty, and strength. The tail still inspires children today fighting cancer. The money that goes to THON goes toward a number of crucial supports. The thtee main components of the fund are the medical ex- penses and treatment support for the families, the medical support team, and the re- search support. Hershey Medical Center focuses on the needs of the patients in a unique way with team of pediatric oncologists, cology nurse specialists, psy- chologists, child life special- ists, nutritionists, pediatric music therapists, the Hershey Medical Center is able to pro- vide, with the help of The Four Diamonds Fund, opti- mum treatment to its patients. This year’s THON at Mont Alto is already starting collecting money to go to this year’s grand total. Last year, ‘THON raised over $6.6 mil- Chambersburg, Walmart in Carisle, and Hershey’s Chocolate World. While canning, THON members wear Penn State garb, signs, and they carry cans for the money. In addition to canning and fundraising, Mont Alto’s THON hosts a blood drive on campus. In February 2009, THON will have canteen ta- bles set-up to nourish the blood donors. Four Diamonds has a mission to help conquer childhood cancer, and with continuing support, the lion for the kids. Mont Alto THON raises money through events such as Halo 3 Tour- naments, Mr. Mont Alto, Root Beer Pong, Date Auc- tion, Toga Party, and other events. Aside from fundraisers here at Mont Alto, the group goes canning all around cen- tral Pennsylvania. This year’s canning weekends are October 10- 12, November 7 - 9, January 23 - 25, and Feb- ruary 13 -15. Canning loca- tions that one can see Penn State THON members at in- clude Gander Mountain in Chambersbug, Walmart in