page 6 The Fourth Wall Music Review: By Justin Zickar Editor-in-Chief Throughout the bitter end of 2006 and beginning of 2007, good quality rock music has been hard to come by. With new “no-talent- punk-rock-boy-bands”, which shall remain nameless, hitting the stage, rock music has taken a hard blow. But upon the New Year comes new music, better music, if we can only hope. Canadian rockers, Finger Eleven, crash into 2007 by releasing a new “dance rock” album called, Them vs. You vs. Me. Though commercially Finger Eleven may only be known in America for their mainstream hit “One Thing”, the band is one of the most stable and influential rock acts of our time. Their first album, Zip, was a small underground hit in Canada. Giving the band a beginning reputation in which they certainly deserved. With the engagement upon their second and highly anticipated sophomore album, fans wondered if the band would be strong enough to make it over the ever crucial “sophomore slump.” Upon the release of The Greyest of Blue Skies, Finger Eleven proved theif stay in the rock music world. With critics and fans satisfied, the band continued to make their impression on the music business. More recently in 2004, the band released their fourth and self titled album. With each of their albums having a significant sound change, +7 E Vinder i leven In 2003, Finger Eleven third install- ment, which was self titled, & recently certified Gold album was released. their fourth effort would prove to be no different. With mammoth vocals and condescending guitar riffs throughout every song, Finger Eleven let the door to the rock world fly open. By enhancing, and redefining the sound to a generation’s music, it was no surprise that the self-titled album was shortly certified Gold. Among one of the most popular songs on the album, was the mainstream hit, “One Thing.” The band itself was tickled the song did so well, but will not under any circumstances, be reduplicating that success any time soon. In an interview with MTV, lead singer Scott Anderson commented about the mainstream success and his thoughts, “Once that success happens, if you try to purposely do that again, I think your career’s over. Bands think all of their songs are f—ing gold. Otherwise, you wouldn’t put it on your record. We album, and unfortunately for the label, and for the sake of our career, there isn’t ‘One Thing: Part Two’ on this record. I wouldn’t know how to do that. But I can say there are some badass mellow songs on By Stacey Cornwell - Staff Writer The weekend of February 23-25, 2007 was quite the exciting and eventful one for our Penn State Mont Alto cheerleaders as they embarked on a short journey to Ocean City, MD for the first half of “Reach the Beach”. This was a weekend packed with extremely hard work for the entire squad. On Friday February 23, the majority of the squad got together throughout the day and drove the four hours to the Convention Center in Ocean City, MD. The squad was needed that evening to do simple tasks like helping to prepare free goodies that the event staff gives out to all of the participants and making sure that the items in retail look neat and organized. The few that could make it to the Convention Center in time that night worked those areas for about five or six hours. Once their duties were fulfilled that night, the rest of the squad met up for dinner and discussed what would occur the next morning. Saturday February 24 began earlier than any of them had expected it to. At 6:45 in the morning, the squad met in the lobby of the Comfort Inn ready to begin their day. Again, the members got into cars and were on their way to the Convention Center for a hard day’s work. Upon arrival to the Convention Center, the squad members all signed in and were assigned to their designated areas to work for the day. Those who worked the night before were placed in the same areas as to save time in training someone new when someone had the knowledge of that job. The rest of the squad was placed throughout the Convention Center in the backstage areas. The jobs backstage consisted of escorting the competing teams to the correct practice areas, tumbling practice areas, and to the main stage to perform. These jobs are important because they run in a timely fashion. Each team only receives a few minutes to practice before performing on the floor, so the Mont Alto squad members were in charge of supervising those areas to make sure that each team had been practicing at their designated time and place. For most of the Penn State Mont Alto squad, it was a fifteen hour work day, but sixteen or even seventeen hours of work. it, and some badass rock songs too. There’s nothing else we can do. The band — every band worth anything — always thinks there’s an evolution to their sound between records. Otherwise, they’re just phoning it in, and it will probably sound like that.” Them vs. Meé vs. You, has already proven that it is well worthy of any music listener’s ear. The first single, “Paralyzer”, incorporates a funk-like beat, followed up by a harmonic symphony of ravaging guitars and quality lyrics. Other On Sunday February 25, the Mont Alto squad did not have to work, so that meant sleeping in. However, many of the members had received phone calls as to what the weather was supposed to be doing back home in Pennsylvania. Many thoughts fluttered around about going home as soon as possible, but sleep had been first priority at that point. Once everyone awoke we headed out and got on the road. After a “short delay” on the way home to Mont Alto, the squad all arrived safe and sound with quite a story to tell. : The Penn State Mont Alto squad was very fortunate to have the opportunity to work and earn money to help pay for their competition when they go and compete on March 31 and April 1, 2007 at the Convention Center in songs on the album, such as “So- So Suicide” and “Gather & Give”, help establish a unique sound with the band’s ever so popular changing sound, mixing classic and new rock elements. Along with the single “Paralyzer”, songs like, “Falling On” and “Change the World”, could possibly give the band more added radio success. It is certainly early in the year 2007, but Them vs. You vs. Me appears to be one of the more promising albums that will keep music goers satisfied. I certainly recommend this album, as well as any of Finger Eleven’s previous works to any music lover, satisfaction is guaranteed. Throughout the spring of 2007, catch Finger Eleven on tour with Evanescence, and Chevelle. For any more additional information regarding the band, tours, or any of their albums, please feel free to visit their website at: Ocean City, MD. The squad would like to send thanks to the director and ‘those who helped in organizing “Reach the Beach” and allowing them to work with such nice people. Don’t forget to wish the squad luck in their upcoming practice and competition. A first place trophy is only a few weeks away. Let’s go Penn State Mont Alto Cheerleaders!!!