The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, December 01, 2007, Image 1
-Vol. 3 Issue 4- By Tony Arnold Staff Writer Some students are going to spots in sunny Florida, the Carolinas or even south of the border to have fun for spring break this year. However, a group of nine Mont Alto students is heading a different reason: To help build a home. The Alternative Spring Break Club (ASB) is heading down to Springfield, Georgia in order to help those less fortunate in the community realize their dreams of owning a home. ASB participates yearly in Habitat for Humanity’s Collegiate Challenge program, a program designed to encourage college spring-breakers to selflessly devote their vacation Editorial: By Jordan Martin Staff Writer A few years ago, soon after the September 11 tragedy, President Bush initiated the war on terror. In a speech, he named three nations making up what he referred to as an “Axis of Evil”; Iraq, North Korea, and Iran. The President decided to deal with Iraq first, and set the rest aside for later. While the United States was occupied elsewhere, North Korea attempted a long-range missile launch, as well as an underground nuclear test. Iran as well initiated nuclear weapons research. The United States seems to have mollified North Korea for the moment with promises of energy assistance to a country whose power shuts down on a regular basis to conserve scanty energy time to those less fortunate. The group will be led by Kelly Pannill and Linda Worley, both familiar faces from the campus life office. They have worked tirelessly with students to raise funds. The Alternative Spring Break Club has sold lollipops, raffle tickets, candy grams, and even participated in a joint venture to host the Battle of the Bands in the General Studies auditorium. In addition to its own fundraising efforts, ASB was also fortunate to receive generous funding from both the Student Activity Fee Committee and the Student Government Association. The group is looking forward to its trip and is anxious to arrive in is sure to be unforgettable. ASB and Habitat for Humanity want to let you know that you nuclear weapons is all but probable. Sem Pannill, Photo By: Stacey Cornwell always have an opportunity to participate in Habitat’s ventures. resources. However, a power shift could be in the works the likes of which would tip the precariously balancing scale. Kim Jong II, dictator of North Korea is rapidly aging. Having been in command years, he may soon feel the need to step down and hand the power over to one of his two sons, Kim Jong Nam or Kim Jong Chol. When this happens, the controls will be thrust into the hands of an utter madman, one who may be even worse, and even more unwilling to cooperate with the United States than his notoriously uncooperative father. This situation would place For more information on how you can contribute to Habitat for the United States government in an unbearably awkward position. Having already poured resources into attempting to woo North Korea into giving up its nuclear program, the government will be hard- pressed to give up its process of diplomacy. Also, the continuing Iraqi conflict may continue to deflate the position of the United States in the eyes of foreign nations, making the government even more loathe to abandoning the diplomatic process. Iran’s recent refusal to cease its pursuit of a nuclear program has met with staunch threats of economic sanctions from the United States and its allies. Diplomacy has failed with Iran, and sanctions would seem the next logical step. However, sanctions may not have the intended effect. Sanctions may only strengthen the resolve of the Iranian leaders to Humanity, go to Habitat’s website at carry through with their nuclear program. If diplomacy and sanctions are not the answer to either of these questions, there appears to be no way out other than war. We have seen the failure of attempting to effect regime change with military strength in Iraq, and a repeat of this process would only create unending chaos in another part of the world. However, there is an alternative solution. The only effective way to initiate regime change in either government is to bring about a change motivated by the people. The Soviet Empire of the 1980s fell, not because of diplomacy, sanctions, or all out war, but because of internal conflicts. If enough of the populace dissents, change will inevitably occur. No military is strong enough to hold back a united populace, . see North Korea page 3