The Fourth Wall page 5 Book Review: By Ashley Moore Staff Writer Barack Obama, who is a Writer, Lawyer, Senator, Husband and Father, writes a captivating memoir about retracing his lineage while searching for his place in society. The book entitled Dreams of My Father begins with Obama receiving devastating news about his father’s tragic death and ends with a personal discovery. Born in 1961 to a white American women and a black Kenyan student, Barack was named after his father. Having grown up without his own father, Obama was forced to seek advice from his mother. “She helped me over come conflictions, by talking about them. She helped me push on with my life, despite my dreads, my denials, my sudden constrictions of the heart. I owe my success to her.” Throughout the beginning of the book, Obama talks about his childhood, his parents’ relationship, and his struggle with race. Being mixed, Obama went through a phase when he felt he did not belong to either race. With the help of his mother, his grandparents, and other family members, Obama came to the conclusion that it did not matter what race he was; he was just happy to be alive. Obama’s and the history of his family sum up the first part of the memoir. The second half of the memoir begins with Obama searching to find the missing part of his family, which was his father’s side. After Obama receives the news of his father’s death in the first half of the By Justin Zickar Editor-in-Chief Since the gaming generation began a mere 30 years ago, the industry has revolutionized itself time and time again. The past few years have marked a turning point in the big name console showdown. Now with all of the anticipation of new releases over, we take a deeper look into who had the better system launch, as well as the most efficient console for you, the consumer. Rising above their opponents, Microsoft put it all on the line; they were the first to unveil their new entertainment system, the Xbox 360. In the late spring of 2005, at E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Microsoft announced they would be the first to release their next generation console later that year to the public. With a slated November 2005 launch, Microsoft gave themselves a year lead on both of its competitor’s systems. With the 360’s predecessor, the original Xbox, having one of the most successful launches in history, Microsoft aimed high to overcome the obstacle of a bad launch. Yet with the Xbox’s previous launch success mostly being attributed to its surprise first person shooter, Halo, the first 360 Halo expansion wasn’t due out for over a year. Microsoft then relied on its well known and other exclusive titles to stabilize its much anticipated launch. The more popular Call of Duty 2, Project Gotham Racing and Perfect Dark Zero were among the 360°s elite Madden 2006 was released offering limited game play to its users, but did manage to prove the 360°s visual capabilities. More most sold and successful game has amazed critics as well as fans everywhere, proving the power of Microsoft's Xbox 360. One of the more important features of the gaming system was its ability to allow backwards compatibility to most of the original Xbox games, a few were left off the list. Unfortunately, for sport fans, book, he makes the decision to find out more about his father. His quest to find his lost loved ones leads him to a small town in Kansas. It is here where he meets his father’s African side of the family and learns the truth about his father’s past. Obama, who thought of his father as more of myth, begins to reflect on his past experiences with his father. : Though his father was never really in his life, Obama spent one summer at his father’s house in Kenya. Obama was ten when he spent his summer in Kenya. His mother wanted him to get to know his father, which was the reason why she sent him there. It is during this summer that Barack begins to question his father’s love for him. An example of this can be seen when Barack gets yelled at for not understanding the importance of Xbox 360, left, Playstation 3, middle, and Wii, right, each look to make their presence in the gaming world felt. most of the regular genre titles are unavailable to be played on the 360. Nintendo decided to bring a new approach into the gaming generation. With both of their competitors having high price tags to set there game system under $300. Prior to release information being available, Nintendo brought forth that their new system, Wii, would cost an affordable $249.99. The cost may not even have come as the biggest shock. At E3, Nintendo showed off their new machinery. Wii was beyond anything imaginable. Most African literature. “Is it my fault I don’t understand who I am? Or where I come from?” Barack questions the readers. “My father could or would never understand the struggles I faced with the struggles of my skin.” Barack, who characterizes his father as commanding, begins to believe his father does not love him. This thought plagues Obama, until he learns the truth. Throughout the ‘months he spent with his father’s family, Obama learns that his father did not hate him. Obama’s father was scared that if he stayed in his son’s life Obama might end up like him: a failure. Obama begins to understand why his father sacrificed his relationship with his son and mentally forgives him for not being there when he needed his father the most. Through this Wii Controller interactively. And with a large amount of ridicule the Wii Controller, unknown and widely disputed because of it’s appearance, was finally put to the test. But after a hearty demonstration by Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, technology buffs sat in amazement. Wii offered a new innovation to gaming, physical interaction, which seemed to be some. Another added feature was backwards compatibility with Nintendo’s previous system the Gamecube and its games. Moreover, the Gamecube’s controllers and memory devices are easily accommodated and workable on the Wii's operating system. Even more alluring was the fact that all of Nintendo’s previous console games could be downloaded on the Wii, which sent avid fans crazy. Sony seemed to come into the playing spectrum without a clear set of mind. The high end Playstation 3 appeared to be just a knock off of Microsoft and forgiveness, Obama starts to find his true path and calling in life. He writes, “When I found out who exactly my father was and how he lived life. When I met his side of the family, and heard his side of the story, I knew I was changed. I no longer looked at life the same, I no longer held grudges or wrong. My father had given up his relationship with me, so that I can prosper.” The book, Dreams of My Father: A story of Race and Inheritance, is a great read for those who are looking for themselves. Obama writes this memoir to teach us a lesson: no matter how much you have been hurt, ignored, or forgotten, you can always forgive. Barack Obama is running for the democratic nomination for President in 2008, but either way, his memoir is a must read. Nintendo’s well designed consoles. In November, Nintendo and Sony squared off, launching their new consoles within a week of each other. The infamous Blu-ray technology that the Playstion 3 offered did not catch the attention of buyers and game gurus like Sony had hoped. Even during the Playstation 3 launch, Sony only made available 15 playable games, delaying its biggest investments. Resistance: Fall of Man, one of Sony’s only Playstation 3 success stories, has been hailed the only console worthy game. The system’s high end graphics, in the end, don’t show - much difference to Microsoft’s widely popular Xbox 360. With a $599.99 price tag, most consumers have shunned away from this technological blunder. After all is said and done, Nintendo and Microsoft have proven themselves worthy to be labeled true front runners in the gaming market. Sony inevitably took unthinkable risks to better their franchise, but did this step cost them their future in the gaming world?