The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, January 01, 2006, Image 2
page 2 The F gileth Wall Announcements: Currently seeking writers ‘The Fourth Wall is seeking writers for all sections, including sports and arts & entertainment. We also need general writers on assignment and general article writers. There are openings for regular columns, such as a political column, humor column, advice column, and cartoons. All students are welcome regardless of major. Writers are not required to submit articles on a regular basis. To make this paper successful, we need you to participate by writing in your opinions, - concerns, and comments. Interested parties should send emails to A special Thanks to all the CCSG Commonwealth Newswire _ Contributers. Students wishing to place advertise- ments can submit them to for consider- + ation. This is a free service for stu- dents. 7 SPRING FLING 2006 O Mont Alto Games...Go For the Gold! Basketball & Volleyball Tournament - Relay Tournaments = GREAT PRIZES!!! MONT ALTOS “FINEST” TALENT SHOW... American Idol doesn’t have anything on us O ACADEMIC SHOWCASE... ALL ON APRIL 22 & 23, 2006 More Updates Coming Soon... Mission Statement The Fourth Wall was established to provide a responsible forum for dialogue within the student community and for the free expression of considered ideas; to build community; to promote student involvement in activities and issues that have an impact on students’ lives; and to disseminate information about campus activities, The Fourth Wall Editor-in- Chief: Bobby Casiano ( Sports Editor: Travis Johnson ( Business Director: Renisha Singh ( Photographer: Kittley Kriza ( Advertising Designer: Sara Sowers ( Artist: Zack Mentz ( Staff Writers: Erica Panico (, Renisha Singh (, Maritza Enriquez ( Emails can also be addressed to Editorial offices are located in Library 206.