The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, January 01, 2005, Image 5

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    The Fourth Wall
page 5
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Experience from page 3
Throughout my career at
Mont Alto as a Woodsmen
Team member, the foresters
continued to encourage me and
at some point, I competed in
almost every Woodsmen event.
I bolt split for the Mont Alto
Woodsmen’s Team on Saturday
at the Mid-Atlantic Meet. Ata
meet in Canada, I pole climbed
and horizontal chopped. In
North Carolina I threw an ax.
In some of the events I
competed in I finished well,
even claiming a few first places
for Mont Alto, and others I just
finished. But finishing in itself
is a success for a five-foot
nothing girl who had never
picked up an ax before.
The history of the forester at
Mont Alto is rich and should be
celebrated by more of us here.
From them and from their sport
I learned one of the greatest
lessons of my life — to believe
in myself.
Having returned to Mont
Alto once more, I can see that
things have not changed much
in five years. The foresters are
still the foresters, and I for one
hope they always will be, for
they are some of the greatest
men and women I have ever
Katie Sior
Dual major
When I was asked to write
about what it is like to transition
from Mont Alto to University
Park, I wasn’t sure where I
should begin. When my second
year at Mont Alto ended, it was
a bittersweet time. I knew that I
would be leaving behind some of
my closest friends who were
returning to Mont Alto the
following year. I also had to say
goodbye to friends who were
graduating. On the other hand,
there were those who were
joining me on my journey. It was
hard to leave because I met so
many great people; I had the best
roommate who I lived with for
two years and I was involved in
many different organizations/
clubs while at Mont Alto.
Summer came and went, and
before I knew it I was moving
into my first apartment. A week
passed and classes started. Now,
I’m not going to lie: I was
extremely nervous walking onto
campus that first day. I actually
had my younger sister, who
attended University Park the
previous year, show me where
my building was. Friends of
mine who attended University
Park the year before said that I
would learn my way around and
that the campus wouldn’t seem
so big after awhile. I thought
they were crazy, but it turns out
they were right. I felt like I was
a part of the campus not long
after that terrifying first day.
One of the main differences,
aside from the new location, is
the classes. By the time you
transition to University Park,
most of you will be in your
majors so you will mostly be
taking courses related only to
your major. However, a few of
those general education courses
may need to be scheduled. Be
prepared, no matter what class
it is: There is a chance that you
will be walking into a class that
is larger than what the largest
classroom at Mont Alto can
hold! My first class at University
Park was Kines 126 (an
education course) and when I
walked in, I found 100+ students
sitting in the room. All I could
do was gasp! It had to have been
a dead giveaway that I was new
to this. It was difficult at first to
realize I wouldn't get to know
my professors the way that I did
at Mont Alto.
Adjusting to the change of
location was rough. I was so used
to my friends living a couple
doors down or at the other end
of my floor in Mont Alto Hall.
Now they are at the other end of
Beaver Avenue or a couple miles
out North Atherton. For me this
was (and still is) the hardest part.
Granted, I have met remarkable
people here, I have made new
friends, and I have actually met
one of my roommates for next
year. But, it was still hard.
My best advice to anyone
transitioning to University Park
— don’t just sit around when you
get here - get involved! There are
numerous clubs and
organizations here; you are
bound to find something that fits
your interest. The best decision
I made was to apply for a position
on the Council of
Commonwealth Student
Governments (CCSG). This
particular organization
represents all nineteen Penn State
locations, including Mont Alto.
Through this organization I have
met amazing people who were
also from different locations and
going through similar situations.
Some people have a harder
time adjusting than others; I was
one of those people. I love it
here now. It is a new chapter in
my life, but I still miss Mont Alto
— the faculty, administrators,
staff and people who I became
friends with. But, this is another
two-year adventure and I plan to
make the best of it.
If you have any concerns
about coming here, attend the
Change of Assignment (since
technically that’s what we all do
when we come up here) Social
in the beginning of the year. This
particular event is hosted by
CCSG to help familiarize those
students coming from different
locations with this campus. I
would suggest checking out the
CCSG website, 'hitp.//,
where you will find information
and individuals that you can ask
for help. Another great resource
to become familiar with is the
Undergraduate Student
Government (USG). Galen
Foulke (President) and Luke
Adam (Vice President) are
friendly people who will be
representing you and the rest of
the student body next year. If
you have any issues or concerns
with University Park, they are
the individuals to see.
I wish the best of luck to those
who will be coming to
University Park in the future.
Cherish your time and
memories at both Mont Alto and
University Park - it goes by too