The Fourth Wall 11pm on the weekends. Students who stay here for the weekend should not be punished with earlier hours. We pay top notch just like any other PSU campus and their dining halls stay open later.” Chris May during better for the Millstream from page 1 casserole. It’s cold, no flavor, and I'm sick of waiting for the fryer late at night.” “We are encouraged to stay here on campus on the weekends, yet the hours don’t cater to those who stay,” says Keely Savage. Students reported “being starved” because of the repetitive and extremely limited food choices on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The students feel that the hours of use some major Anonymous Students say that the MSC should remain open until 11pm or 12am - after all, it is the weekend. One anonymous student sometimes becomes depressed when the weekend approaches. She explains, “I think the MSC should be opened later for the people who stay on the weekends, which is a great population. I don’t even have a car here, so when I get hungry after 7pm, I have to find someone and beg them to drive me somewhere to go get some food.” Students should not have to fend for themselves since all campus residents are required to purchase a meal plan. “They are horrible especially on Friday and Saturday. Housing and food need to realize not everyone goes home. We are sick of starving.” Anonymous Penn State MA students pay too much for tuition to not have meal service available on weekend nights. The students have spoken about the MSC weekend operation and they will continue to be aggravated, miserable, and hungry unless changes are made. “Considering it’s dining hall food, it’s decent. They try to give you as many options as possible without gouging you with the prices.” Darci Newhouse “There should always be two people working the grill during breakfast on the weekends.” Joe Nardello Students and family members having fun at the Family Dance hosted by the Adult Learners Club Photo by Amanda Christman