page 2 The Fourth Wall Message from the Editor I wish to congratulate the staff, guest contributors, and other supporting members of the campus community for the first successfully completed semester of The Fourth Wall. I am pleased to announce that Vanessa Lugo has been appointed News Editor, and Martina Pfeuffer is the Arts and Entertainment Editor. The establishment of an editorial staff is evidence of the growth of the student newspaper. Each month, the student interest increases. I hope to hear from more students in the future. We are proud to introduce in this issue an advice column, with responses offered by two students with different perspectives (a traditional student and a non-traditional student). We hope you will take advantage of it. I would like to thank SGA for their contribution towards the printing cost of this issue and for their continued support of a student newspaper. The fourth of the seven issues total for the 2004-2005 academic year is set to appear in early February. Check display racks at that time, and best wishes for a successful end of semester and holiday season. Danielle Ramsay Editor-in-Chief Mission Statement The Fourth Wall was established to provide a responsible forum for dialogue within the student community and for the free expression of considered ideas; to build community; to promote student involvement in activities and issues that have an impact on students’ lives; and to disseminate information about campus activities, organizations and events. This is our chance, as students, to say what we really think. Announcements: Currently seeking contributors The Fourth Wall is seeking writers for all sections, including sports and arts & entertainment. We also need general writers on assignment and general article writers. There are openings for regular columns, such as a political column, humor column, and cartoons. All students are welcome regardless of major. Writers are not required to submit articles on a regular basis. To make this paper suc- cessful, we need you to participate by writing in your opinions, concerns, and comments. Interested parties should send emails to Openings: The Student Government has openings for a Mont Alto Hall Senator and a Commuter Senator for the Spring semester. This is a great way to get involved in the campus community. Those interested can stop by the SGA office on the first floor of Wiestling for an application. Reminder: Don’t forget to bring your formal wear next semester for the annual Winter Ball. This year’s theme is “Starry Night.” Plan to attend on Jan. 28 from 9-1 in the MPR. Attention All Club Leaders: Do you want a great oppor- tunity for your club or organi- zation to gain exposure, show- case your organization to the student body, and earn money at the same time? If so, then Club Night at Wiestling Stu- dent Center and Café Java is the answer! Wiestling Student Center is a wonderful place for your club to interact with students. In return for your club participating in Club Night, SGA will transfer $50.00 into your club’s account. Club Night Requirements: The event must be held in the Wiestling Student Center. The event must be on a Monday. The event must be between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. The event must be an activity or some form of entertainment for students to enjoy. Make your reservation NOW! Applications are available in the Student Activities Office, Wiestling 211 and the Campus Life Office, Conklin 207. Contact Rene Kauder at for more de- tails. As an incoming freshman, I was looking forward to the college life and experience. When I first got to college, I thought it was going to be boring and that I wasn’t going to get distracted from my work only because I didn’t know anyone and because of the fact that I'm not really a very social person. Boy was I wrong! The first two to three weeks of school, I was really focused on my work and my boyfriend back home. Because of that, I never really got the chance to be distracted by others in my residence hall (MAH) or by the activities that were taking place on campus. After the first two or three weeks passed, I was a “baller out of control” and I started “slacking in my pimping.” I stopped being on the phone with my boyfriend every minute of the hour, and I stopped doing my work when I got it and waited to the last minute to do it, like the night before it was due, which is very stressful! But, I did start to get involved in campus activities. I also started to socialize with other students. Right now I'm struggling a little to bring up my biology average, but other than that I just try to balance out my activities and my school work (school work which is more important!). College is what you make it. If you are a boring person who doesn’t get involved in things, then college will be boring. If you are a very enthusiastic, volunteering, and willing person, then college will be a fun experience for you. But as they say, college changes people -- whether it is for the good or the bad is up to you. I still have another three or four years to experience further change; hopefully it will be change for the good. Sincerely, A Current Freshman Alto, Mont Alto PA 17237. Library 204. The Fourth Wall PET et CAREER