The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, September 01, 2004, Image 7
RS ee The Fourth Wall page 7 Adjuncts from page 1 of the students interviewed said that they would contact their instructor at home. One student states that “there has to be a separation between your job and your personal life - that’s why professors have offices and phones: so they can be reached by their colleagues and students in the proper work setting.” Ron Swope, Director of Business, and Francis Achampong, Director of Academic Affairs, both acknowledge the insufficient faculty office space. Don Gogniat, a former Penn State CEQ, says Penn State Mont Alto “seems to be a heck of a good campus that treats faculty well and if they have a need they’ll solve it.” A full time employee of Penn State, Gogniat commutes to various campuses as an adjunct, teaching Geography at Penn State Mont Alto. During an interview, Ron Swope displayed a large white board (the master plan) of State Mont Alto; building more faculty offices was a part of : this, plan. As: Dr Achampong recognized in a Audio from page 4 “Jesus Is Alive And Well (And Living In Mexico),” sending the listener into a frenzy. Art Barrios and Jason Camacho are monsters on the guitar, producing stunning melodies. Justo Gonzalez delivers beautiful baselines and Gabe Camacho is insane on the drums. : The lyrics are excellent. On the fourth track, “Ms. Foreign Friendly,” Art Barrios holds nothing back: “So what it’s all a dream/ And you watched me fall asleep.” I had the opportunity to meet up with Audio Karate a few weeks ago at a show and they told me they plan on making a lot more appearances here on the east coast. SACLAY later interview, Penn State Mont Alto campus has a “severe space. crunch,” seemingly severe enough to need short-term results rather than long-term aspirations. While the number of employed adjuncts fluctuates, they currently make up 43% of faculty. They are typically hired to teach a one semester course. Adjuncts are an asset to Penn State Mont Alto because they are both inexpensive to hire and flexible to schedule. As to the current resolution of inadequate adjunct office space, Dr. Achampong has e- mailed every adjunct with a list of office space available to accommodate any and all seminar room on the second floor of the library, the ROTC room on the second floor of Wiestling, the music practice room on the second floor of Wiestling the nursing suite of the Science and Technology Building, and the former Counselor’s office on the second floor of Weistling. A plan to renovate the herbarium in room 214 of the Science and Technology building is also underway and when completed will supply six desks for adjuncts. Vanessa Lugo Saturday October 9 marked Penn State’s annual All-U Day at State. College. Re- presentatives from the commonwealth colleges came to support and represent their schools at the pre-game tailgate and the Penn State Nittany Lions football game against Purdue. All-U day gave those students unable to attend every football game the opportunity to experience Penn State Football firsthand, as an individual ticket could be purchased from each campus for this single event. Students must purchase season tickets to attend any other game. The CCSG tailgate pep rally at Bryce Jordan Center called all students to come and represent their campus and show their pride as each was recognized before the main event. Many students also held their own tailgate parties in the parking lots or with friends from University Park while waiting for the game to begin. All students were strongly encouraged to “White Out Purdue” by wearing as much white as possible for the game: Since many participated, white was all over University Park and it all came together in the stadium with white clothing everywhere. After an amazing performance by The Blue Band at half time, each campus was once again recognized with campus banners as the fans cheered on. Although in the end Purdue took the game 13 to 20, the Lions put up a good fight against the team ranked ninth in the country. The Lions suffered their eleventh loss against ranked opponents. Many Mont Alto students came out to support Penn State at the game and participated in pre-game activities, some beginning on Friday night. Although many students at University Park have never heard of our campus, Mont Alto was well represented by everyone attending all U-Day. After all, WE ARE...PENN STATE!!! from Dialogue, adjacent allow me to expand my occupation potentials. Student B: What obstacles do you face as a young adult in college? Student A: Stress is something that I’ve found a lot more in college. Managing my time properly is such a hard task. Knowing exactly what to study for and how to study is also something I struggle with- I could study all day. for a class and still bomb the exam the next day. I'm finding it hard to adjust to college. There's also social obstacles that get in the way of academics; it’s difficult to balance the time you spend with your friends versus the time you spend studying. “Penn State Mont Alto classes become enhanced if we can share not only what we learn but how we learn it.” — Alice Royer Parking from page 1 on campus. Though the layout and location of parking lots may change, however, the total number of parking spaces will not change. If enrollment increases, therefore, parking will be a problem for everyone on campus. According to Ron Swope, Director of Business Services, the cost to install new parking spaces is approximately $8,000 - $10,000. This includes excavation, fill, sub base, base runoff/detention/retention area, and asphalt (two applications). The Over-flow lot was designed to accommodate 100 cars. Lighting will cost about $1000 per pole plus labor, wire, conduit, excavation, long trench from the main water service pit (power source) to the lot. Depending on the light- throw of the lens/type of lighting, I would think that one could adequately light the Over-flow lot for $20,000 - $25,000.