December 3,195 U This is your old friend Chippy with the latest Thanksgiving holiday. First of all friends "Let's get with it", For a t: contributed quite generously to the column. When you d: article was far more interesting and entertaining. Lat< number of notes you send have been getting fewer and fei your newspaper -to inform and entertain you. Xt can a< this end only with your interest and cooperation, If y< news or information, just drop it in the Collegian box < to some member of the staff* Barry Block is no longer singing "Let Me Go Lover" now humming the tune "Take Me Back" (Mother .Marie?) Jack Polchin must have been in a battle the other into Kinematic’s, with red lips. B XeCL&ci_ .. & & c v X V v 3 i C 3 to*!' lij.i as x < CZS W j M '£e.ukj&_ HAZLETON COLLEGIAN _..E..113 rogue's -ftr j c-filler Y^ r i I £. Jf. j cf r C CHIPPY Love, Chipi J£L.