Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 24, 1954, Image 1
HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly: Newsletter ,Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Vol. Till No, 11 Mf 5 ' 3^/ . s / *•■ *> j/ '- . " ; *>< YL ■ . -V^\i N / <^ = r sa m Thanksgiving, which is the oldest and most truly American of our national holidays,, is still very much what the Pilgrims made it i a day to offer thanks for the favors and mercies bestowed on us• It has changed less in its intentions and in the manner of its celebration than any other o f our holidays * We go to church, give thanks, gather the harvest, and enjoy a large meal, just as the Pilgrims did* but we don’t look forward to Thanksgiving - p o"’ 'tv---mu- ru.-if-Uc; mo rryLp bo, 'bocry Nro majority u' ‘-ho people plan, and wait to go to. the '*Turkey lay ' xoocibali gam&j to. catch up with'-some .odci jobs 'around tae iicuss; and to Sj.eep until noon. At the first and early Thanksgiving observances the men wont out into .'the -moods unc snot a xo:: bneiv th®' women bslfrt @<t-kes and aftd the v&ricai# other foods, such as, corn and potatoes, were raised in thei» am fields, Today we buy a .dressed turkey from the farmer, open a few cans of cranberries, sweet potatoes, and gravy, and buy one or two pumpkin pies from the baker. Although modem tiroes ha-re not changed ■the. intentions'or .manners of celebrating Thanks giving, it has added social activities and conveniences which are. becoming more important than tne real meaning of Thanksgiving* We should set aside Thanksgiv mg as a day for praise and thanks and imolore for lasting prosperity, peace, and freedom. Servile labor and such recreation, as may be becoming to the purpose, o.i so solemn an occasion, should be omittect, especially now nuiing our period of conflicts and confusion over communism. School resumes its natural trend to Monday, November 29, 19$h) at Bsl£ a,m. Don't eat too much over the weekend—and we'll be. Highacres Hazleton, Pennsylvania & L 0 P(Zk/A, A *^vik* r ** OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING iT »S JUST A RE?UNDER November =. dv rs ■ ..'l £ /fcr\ :,- 'x “ V • r/ ■ i~'