November 19, 195 k The Titan, the first movie of the College Arts Society was shown on Monday, November 15, in the main lounge, A large crowd of people attended, both students and guests from town, to make it a huge success. The Society wishes to express their gratitude to all those who aided in making this event a success. The Society is planning two more movies for the benefit of the students' to be shown at a later date. At the past three meetings of the Fencing Club, much enjoyment, fun, jabs and' attacks from behind -were experienced. In contrast with last year, about ten energetic members have shown active interest and hope to continue at this pace. An invitation is extended to all students who have not as yet tried their skill at this lunging sport. In case you've forgotten,the Fencing Club under the direction of Captain Carper, meets on Tuesdav from U:00 to 5:00 and also Thursday inS-101. Boost the intramural program of the Center and come out to the next fencing class. The Student Council of Wilkes College cordially invites the Student Body of Hazleton Center to attend the All College Dance on November 26, at the Wilkes Gymnasium, There will be dancing from nine to twelve o'clock with A 1 Powell and his orchestra. The Science and: Engineering students, along with the Technical students toured the Bell Telephone Company in Hazleton on Tuesday, November 16. meeting will be held on November 30, at 7:30 E'.» The planned is a tour of Barrett and Haentjens Pump Plant. The next program being HAZLETON COLLEGIAN THE TITAN A GREAT SUCCESS FENCING GOING C-REAT GUMS ALL COLLEGE DANCE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CLUB BOOKSTORE MEWS O.RDERS FOR THE PENN STATE 1955 PHOTO-CALENDAR CLOSE NEXT TUESDAY j Have you ordered her's? ! Page 2
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