Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 19, 1954, Image 1
Vol. XVII No. 10 TONIGHT - Genetti's Pennsylvania Room - Thanksgiving Semi - Bs3o November 21 - PSUC Auxiliary Tea for Theta Sigma Pi November 23 - College Chorus in Kusic Room - 7:30 P". November 2k - Thanksgiving recess begins at 12:20 November 29 - Thanksgiving recess ends at B: ks AH - first day of season for all you sportsmen. Psychological advice on kissing to those going to the Semi: The important thing in saying goodnight is to keep your feet on the floor, not on the car seat. Tonight the beautiful music of Art Wendel and his orchestra be enjoyed beginning at 3:30 P' at the Thanksgiving Semi-Formal in Genetti's Pennsylvania 'loom. Be certain to come - we'll see you tonite - have a good time. This will be the last issue of the Collegian before Thanksgiving vacation. We, the Staff, want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, take it easy on the highways over the holidays and come back with us on the 29th. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres Hazleton,, Pennsylvania R.O.T.C CHRIST?tiS CARDS slso a dozen Dave Drasher Bob Hatter Cadet Officers THANKSGIVING SEHI TONIGHT COIIIN' UP ITZ A FACT LAST ISSUE November Deer are to Ij:li 5,~~. f '// ,