Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 29, 1954, Image 2
October 29, 195 U a 'tear in the eye' or 'cold shivers up and down the spine* routine, but merely a respectful observance is enough* By respectful ovservance is meant at least standing straight and observing the flag and if perhaps you are expecially moved even a regular salute, ie o a hand over the heart, would be even more appropriate* So the next time you happen by while the flag is being lowered or for that matter being raised, stop and face the flag and show the respect that the flag is due* It will not take long nor will it require effort but certainly there is satisfaction to be gained from respecting the country's flag. On Wednesday, October 20, 19 SU, the first meeting of Parnassus was held in Miss Barbrick's office. All of the members attended* Elections were held and the following officers were elected: President—-Jack Burgraf Vice-President Lillian Junas Sec-Treas—Mary Jane Skoff A discussion was held on revising the point system in the future. Activity lists are to be sent out to the advisors of each club. December 9, was the date set for the initation of new members. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned until next week. The Tneta Sigma Pi Sorority held a business meeting last Thursday night in the main lounge. Plans for future activities were discussed and it was decided to have a bake sale in December* The annual Sorority Dinner will be held after the finals this year. At some future date not decided - the Sorority and the Fraternity will hold a joint meeting. Mr. Lockwood will speak at the next meeting. The Sorority Hayride will be held Saturday* The truck will leave from school at 7:30 sharp. The Traffic Committee met with Mr. Ward on Monday afternoon and acted upon applications for parking permits, and also assigned parking places to those whose applications were approved by the committee, (Continued Page 3) HAZLETON COLLEGIAN (The Editor Speaks Continued) PARNASSUS SORORITY NEWS TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 2