October 22, 19%k The Treasurer, Brother Ted Wojciehoski, was appointed chairman of the Constitutional lie vis ion Committee, Brother Richard Know? .ion and Brother Tony Antonovich was appointed by Brother Wo.jciehoski to serve on said committee# Brothers of the Fraternity have chosen as their ultimate goal and purpose Academic Achievement. All Brothers are hereby given notice to be present at the next meeting on Wednesday, October 27, at 6:30 pm in the Recreation Bldg. Maryann Kowalick of Oneida, is my choice for the Sophomore Girl of the Week. She attended St, Gabriels High School where she was a cheerleader and also Snow Queen. Maryann has had her license for every bit of four months now, and she assertains she's an experienced enough driver to treat anyone up here at the Center to drive. What do you say Bradley???? Eugene Sentiwany, veteran of RD#l, Weatherly, is the Sophomore Boy of the Week, All the girls up here at the Center think Gene is a sharp dresser. Gene says he doesn't like small colleges? he prefers large schools, expecially Centenary College in Shrevesport, Louisiana, where he was a student before he transferred here. He intends to go back to Louisiana in February, Theresa Bobowski of McAdoo, went to McAdoo High School. Miss McAdoo, also captain of the cheerleaders. Her passtimes boys' and more boys. David Gibson, son of Mr,, and Mrs , David Gibson Sr., is the Freshman Boy of the Week* After graduation, "Gibb” worked for the Tompson Manufacturing Company. He enlf sx.ed and served four years in the service, part of this time spent in Korea as a tank gunner. His passtimes are his Chewy and women,. Until basketball season rolls around and our players are once more dribbling on the floor, Kits column will be devoted to other than sports* WATCH FOR THIS COLUMN-.• HAZLETON COLLEGIAN (Fraternity news continued) SOPHOMORE GIRL OF THE WEEK SOPHOMORE BOY OF THE WEEK FRESHMAN GIRL OF THE WEEK Freshman boy of the week SPORT SHORES Page 3 She was are
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