Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 22, 1954, Image 2
October 22, 19$h The following listed cadets have tentatively qualified for the AFROTC Rifle and Drill Teams : Rifle team: AnzalonE BOVE DUDECK HARRY KERSHNER KOCH MCGRAW MASSAGE MOYER NACKENHORST PERCH SEELY SPRING STURM VEALE YANDELL Each drill team member is requested to give special effort in order that the drill team will be in good form for the Mummers Parade on Saturday, 23 October# The drill team will represent the AFROTC unit in that parade. Last week we printed an article about the U«N. trip, which is being held today, Friday, October 22nd. However, our source of information was not accurately relayed to us, and we unintentionally printed a slight error. The trip is sponsored by the League of Woman Voters, but the two Penn State students selected for the trip are sponsored by the Penn State Auxiliary, and not as stated previously# We are grateful for the thoughtfulness of these two organizations and are sorry to have planted them in the wrong place. The twd students selected from out center were: Bob Scott and Ilona Weltman# The Mu Delta Sigma conducted its second meeting Wednesday, Oct#, 13, for the purpose of electing officers,, Members of the Fraternity have chosen for their officers Brother Bernard Gromniak, President, Brother David Gibson, Vice-President, Brother Emil Adams, Secretary, and Brother Theodore Wojciehoski, Treasurer; The re-organization of the Mu Delta Sigma was supervised by the Fraternal Father, Dean Ralph N. Krecker# (Continued next page) HAZLETON COLLEGIAN CADETS CHOSEN- FOR RIFLE AND DRILL TEAMS CORRECTION ON U.N. INFORMATION MU DELTA SIGMA NEWS Drill team: FUSETTI BITTNER TALUSKIE ADAMS ZEARFOSS PAVONE KOKINDA KELLNER DAMIAN KERSHNER TCMKO BOVE ANZELONE DITZLER KOCH MATTER WALKER Page 2