Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 15, 1954, Image 1
HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Highaeres * Vol. MI, No»s WON MN •••• .. Tonighsr-8;00 pm - - ~"F,Fin the main lounge, Cpme enjoy our first big time with us * Tuesday-7 j3opm College Community Chorus meeting Music Room, Friday-October 22 - -Sorority hayride. '•Short visits make long friends" Hannah Whitall Smith The Traffic Committee.; under the supervision and direction of Mr, Ward, held its' initial meeting on Wednesday and began, work on preliminary matters* The Committee will meet again on Monday and will attempt to complete preliminary work on the traffic problems which have arisen to date-. Nothing has been solved in-eo-far as requests i'cr par.-king permits are concerned, but the requests rill bo given careful consideration at the next meeting, aid positive action will be taken. The Committee agreed to inform the student body once again that the speed limit on all campus reads is iS MPH and that any student exceeding the speed limit wi.il oe ticketed and subject to fine The students who walk up and down the hill are requested to follow the accepted procedure of walking on the roads, which is to walk facing on-coming traffic and not walking more than two abreast to allow normal flow of traffic. REMEMBER: Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. FLASH - "F, P." TONIGHT CGMIN' UP ITZ A FACT TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT fa i, v 4 ■ 1 9m>j, - Center October 15, « «• in the