October 8, 1951* Frosh Girl of the Week Janet daughter of Mrs* Gertrude prumheller was elected secretaryvbrcasurer of the Freshman C?.ass last week* In high school, Janet took part in various social events, such as: The Home Economic Club <5 School Hand, etc# She’s getting off to good start isn ; t sha fellows? Frosh Boy of the Yfeeic jorm Har.ry7~son 'of Mr* and Mrs o James Harry of Berwick, was elected to the Frosh class Student Councils John was president o the ‘iHi-I’ 1 in high schools He was extremely interested in sports had a weak ankle and wasn't able to participate in any sports« J would have been made a good basketball player being 6 : 6» tallc Too bad* Johnl Sophomore Girl pf the Week Evelyn Kikjsk'c'Yy Une~daughtcr pf Mr, and Mrs e Elias Krusko < New Coxeville& Evelyn has had seme newspaper experience, since i was a reperter cn the high schccl papers home Economics and Fooi Chemistry is her major. Her hobby is wprking with jewelry? SHe also has a twin sister? Sophomore Boy of the Week ■ _ 1 CatTnp > son of Mr* and Mrs* Ralph Catino> x\ sophomore boy of the week. During high school, which was a. lp-00-00-n-g time ago, he had his own band* He’s also a whi 7, at keyboard, but can you get him to play? No, he's too modestlllU Ralph served two years in the army, and then decided tp take up Business Ad* in the Penn State Centerc RIKETQ WRITE?,,.OR TIPS? If you are one %bo Ikfeesto write, Or maybe one who likes to type* Be at our meeting Monday morn, With ideas on news qr even lovelorn, 11tOO AoM» is the time we have set, Be there, won't you? I will, you bet. Passing Thoughts, Bob Scott 5 when asked what type of girl he preferred* •'There’s the snooty girl and the cutey girl and the gir. who likes to pot \ There's the silly girl and frilly girl and the girl wh< hard to get,. There’s the dassy girl and the brassy girl and the gir. never smokes * But the. gir?. for me is the clever she who will laugh a 1 my jokes i~~ ———- Mike Yankowsfci says* "Wash face in morning, neck at night f' 1 Yandell came into Mr* Grubbs bit? class with his clothes ti?S face bloody « r . "Where have you been?" asked Mr a Grubbs ? Yandell answe: ■■l oouldn' : t help iU I fell out of a six story window GBubbs exclaimed,, "That took an hoar?" .err, , . ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers