Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 08, 1954, Image 1

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V»1,~XVII. No,\
ITZ A Fact.
Nowadays when a husband
sees his wife Uniting b:.ny
garments ho says ; '-Surely you-Re
hot going to wear that on phe
The first meeting of the Student Opunoil was held Wednesday,
Opt obey 6, I?$U with President Stan Grussewalfi presiding,? Mary
Frances Veale and Edward were nominated and unanimously
elected to the positions of fccfcretary and treasurer respectively.
411 student activities which desire funds from the Council are t
submit an itemized request by" nf;st Tuesday, ’October 1?, I ?she
The Social Committee will be composed of Mary Lou Lotito, John
Polchinj, John Mohalick, and ’ ’ John Harry,- while David Brasher, John
Harry, and Jo§m Mo'nalick will serve on the Traffic Committee„
■ On Monday, October h, a. meeting was hold by a new organization
here ai the Center* An astronomical program was presented by Mr*
Ward, who is faculty advisor to this organization<>
. The Science and Engineering Club hold’ elections and the followii
officers were elected* ’ : ! :
President--. Garl Kislan
Vice-President-—-Francis- MpHugh
Secretary.-Treasurer-—-Buddy Damian
Members for the Publicity and the Program Committees were appoi:
Charles Romanoske, Glenn Miller, Panl Fidishun, And Thomas Massage'
arc members of the Publicity Committee# Students appointed to the
Program Committee' are; Walter Gorski, Bill Blose, and Bill Boyle.
Francis McHugh was appointed as po-rchaifmur pf these committees ©
The next, meeting will be hold on Monday evening, October 18,
at ?!30 in Room Ir-1« This club is open to new members, especially
freshmen. So let's get with 1$ fresh»pn f>
All students, sophomore and freshman, who are of the Catholic
Faith and are interested in joining the Newman Club should leave the:
names with Miss Williams in the office# For mere information.conceri
this club,, contact’ Max Mehalicko ■
Ed Bradley wishes a retraction printed,, Last weekspapor credit,
him with being from Hazletpn r : This is net true* He is pne of
Frpeland's native sens* '' O.,K.,—ED?
ThaFuEe parking committee has been assigned, you students
that have been taking the chance of parking on thp top'', of. the hill
better watch ypur steps. . Tickets cost money, don't forgeti ’
Weekly Newsletter Eitiitipn
The Pennsylvania State University Center
Bighacr as, Hasleton
. . . mi. e•
Comir-' UP
MONDAY--* Collegian Mweting at
11 ?GO in Mr o' Grubbs'
office in South •
TUESDAY— Chorus 7
in music room,
PZr "%K
k %
■o 4