October 1, 1 9$h Hi There My name is Chippy and I'm a chipmunk . A very nosey chipmunk as the Sophomoresalready know, I am always around but you aannot see me or hear me* And X am not like the proverbial monkeyj howeverj because not only do I see all and hear all, but I also tell all. Unfortunately, though, last year I had an accident. My tail was caught in a door. Since I have been wearing an enormous bandage which prevents me from getting around as I used to. For this reason, my friends on the newspaper stall, are going to put up a box in the Main Building, This box is to be used as a suggestion box. If you have any information that you think I could use please drop it in a By the way, this is an invitation to all, faculty as well as students. So come on, get with me, I can be a success only if you want and help me. For examples of the type of material I need, please read on* John Harry (6'6") and Ken Fuehrer (6*3") holding cigarettes in their hands, advised one of our coeds against smoking—lt stops your growth they say. One of the Berwick boys wanted his name in the paper, so here's a hello to Mike Blass. Mike Ohl has been threatening to assassinate the newspaper stall for last weeks' article about him. I can't see why though. Frankly, if I were a human female, I could go for him. Name cards of sorority initiation have made it easy to get to know the names of the Freshman girls. Student Directories will be out soon with the names of the Sophomores coeds,(PHONE NUMBERS INCLUDED) That's all for now, but you'll be P,S, Don't forget to help me. Just in Case You've Forgotte: The College-Community Chorus met again on Tuesday night with a very fine turnout. This years chorus looks like an All-(or at least practically all) College Chorus. Join in with your fellow college mates and come on Tuesday night at 7:30 p,m. to prepare for the Christmas Concert, By the way—We need some tenors. P.S, --Anyone going to the fair ??? A few petite sopomore females are dying to see the beautifulll sights. Contact any of them!! HAZLETON COLLEGIAN SING YOUR BLUES AWAY WITH USUi hearing from me soon. Love, Chippy Page 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers