June 3 $ 1954 These paragraphs you are about to read forinulate a th:nk you note to aall 'albs() who pitched iii to give the COLIEGIE a record Of a pa,per every - week of SoirieFollige newspaper staft's .7i)end a smiai fortune every tithe the Y' publish - their paper. They rftit out a piper that msembles acl daily - bat with of firneirstir 'l6 either HiStOry "or predictions. Becluae of t i her filgh,(io6t — of aPrinted Paper' as thetiep the frequency Of publi.catl'ons - is limited to three or four a year. The Hazleton COLLEGIAN does not boast a beantifaPaperpll'ut .t "driessay that - if is economicii, and that the news is news because it is a weekly publication. " Now tO get doWn to'the purpose of this article. The COLLEGIAN doesnit 'acme but just - by cranking the - lever on the mimeograph machine s , even though', it sbitimes appears that way.' 'To put - out the paper articles must be written and the etericild have — tO be cuf. The pages must be stapled and exchanges must be'sent'out. All this takes the efforts of a student staff and a faculty advisor. Without the efforts of Shirley Ray„ Ellen Iffert s Merri Lu Tonto' 'Mary Jane'Skof4lilli Junes, MonaWeltman„ Norm Hall, Art Teel, Bob Bonney, Bob StaUffer s - and Bernie"Gromniak the COLLEGIAN'S record for publications would not be quite as impressive; thout the Sports writing, Joke Writing, and typiink Finndi Turnbach, many an issue would have failed to come out, ilsb - goeStalary Danish and Ginger MU -, ocavitch for sending our paper to the other Colleges, the; con :tears raoulty advisor s , - deserves a special thanks "fOr his-fibs suggestionsand - Concerning the content of -the paper and also for his patience were always a benef it tbthe pager - and the . weidtortf would have been lost many times without Mr. Grubb's he3.ping hand. nce . again; we say “THANXII to everyone who aided in getting the COLLEGIAN to the students, Best wishes for success and happiness to all stud ntso HAZLET ON C OTNAGIAN - ANA N' P ge 38