June 3, 1954 SOCIAL On Oct. 8, 1953 over 100 fun laving freshman turned out for the first danO6 of the school Year. There _ . s dancing in the Main Lounge for several hours but the orchestra playing for the dance disappeared and everyone ended' upparticipating in an old fashioned singing time. After the.dance, refreshMents . Were Serired in the cafeteria. Even though the dancing was cut a bit short everyone had a gay timeo The Hazleton American Legion, decked out in Blue and White, streamers, incrfloatind ballOons provid.ed a fine atmospheres for the Thanksgiving dance° The date, you remember s was November 30th 6 • Erabe Ila atrchestra ofeaturing the Ltunpet "of Vince Citro" gate out . " *iiri'th soothing songs'that made dancing pleasant. Even though ; non-alc:Oholic brew filled the punch bowl everyone enjoyed the first semi. of the year. The Community Chorus g ve its Annual Christmas Concrt on December 15. Miss Pearl Garbrick directed and Mr Steel, our emminent Botanist, Supplied thepiano accompaniment. The Chorus sang seVeral Christmas Carols and, as a iiips'aial tieat;flayangs Symphony WAS Played, Shirley'Ray was narrator and gave a sligh • t history of the selections that were sung, The fact that Penn 'State students had the Yletide spirit was proved on` the . ninth — of DeceMber„ mhen the College Christmas party was held. Many students, teachers and friends were present, and Santa listened'to their mishits fcm gifts. Bob Henney did a nice job as he portrayed St. Nick. Comical gifts mere given out ,rd refreshments and singing completed the party. 'Por the second semester the social committee re . Vent all aut. PUbliaitY for 'the first dance m-- started two weeks prior. A programmes 6eitised along"vith the promise of ITOOLM. The night of the party found th - d - g46e jaiiMed; Tfießby Atherholt gang played the dance music. Walter Smiiconish AW'thOl2oC. of the show. He had terrific spiel that was Su e b y soie - antics. Bitty Iffert vas chosen Vim Misfortunaten ancirode a iAank'to the 'ceiling. She failed to answer the tinstein HAZLET ON COLE GIAN ACTIVITIES