T.ll - 21, 19511 NITEHAMS DUMP TECHNICIANS 9-1 TO TAKE SOFTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP, Monday night, the Nitehawks, behind the superb one-hit pitching of Ivan Michaels, added the Technicians to their victory list. The only lat allowed by Michaels was a scratch single by Timinsky that deflected off the pitcher's glove. Thirteen opposing batsmen were sent down swinging to bring Ivy's strikeout total t 0,41 in three games. Smercenish, Bear, Pundi and Snover had donbles for the Hawks and the remaining seven hits were devided equally„ l!embers of the Championship Team are. Hichaels, Baos, Turnbach, Frank, Atherhelt, Snover, Kobrick, Taluskie, And Fueherer. First game of the post season playoffs was forfeited by the S.P.A.'S. Thursday evening's game betmen the Technician's and Cottorpickers was postponed because of rain. PARNASSUS INITIATION HELD On Friday night of last week the Parrassus 1-.Tonor Society held initia. tion for the new mcmbors At that time the nzu moet)ers took the ean. of Parnassus and also received thet.r caps, The now members em Nary Skoff, Junas, Ellen Iffert / Sherley Ray John Burgraff,,and Arthur '22eelo Two members of the facult y also joined at ht is tim c , ;i:aey . were Mr o Feightal and Nr,. Mattern After the in:qt