Vol. XVI. No. 29 CONVOCATION Here is another invitation to all students to be presert at the 20th Anmal CONVOCATION, Banquet, and Dance,, At TiNis affair, to whic?l, admisson - s free, scholastic, athletic, and other extracurricular awards will be made o Convocation will be he Id this year in Genetties Pennsylvania Room l located on North Laurel Street between Broad and Green Streets in Hazleton. The date is June 3rd o and the time is 6 P, We hope that as many students as possible will attend this affair, because it is arranged for each student's benefit. Get your free tickets in the Main office. Due it before Liay 28. Ticksts for wives, husbands, or other guests are available for P. 2.2,5 FACULTY AND STUDENTS TO REVIEW Faculty and students are invited to see the annual honors review of the Highacres unit of the AFROTC, lionday afternoon during the ninth period---LrOOP.H. The review will take place to the lawn in front of the main building, Honor citations will be made to outstanding cadets in the unit, At this review, the outstanding Sophomore and Freshman medals will be awarded to one student in each of these phases of AFRCTC, who has maintained a superior scholastic standing in his military and academic courses and who has throwt his participation and leadership in college and military affairs distinguished h:- self and brought credit to the Cadet Corps. The Convair Trophy is awarded to the cadet who has demonstrated out standing ability as a cadet in the AFROTC at the Hazleton Center. Awarded annually to one cadet in each of the nation's AFROTC detachments. As the recipient of, this award, he is herewith commended for his contribution to the nation's air strength and he is entitled to the admiration and respect of all Americans who recognize the importance of airpower to the nation's independence. ti Citations will be awarded to the outstanding member of the Rifle and Drill Teams. MR. KOSTOS NEW ADIaNISTRATIVE HEAD Congratulations aro in order for Nr. Frank C. Kostos, who has been appointed as administrative head of our Center. Mr. Kostos, as you know, succeeds Merle E. Campbell who was recently placed in charge of extension administration throughout the state. With the local University Center since February 1946 $ Yr, Kostos has been assistant administrative head for the past seven years, in this capacity being responsible for the building and operating the schedule of classes, at the Center; acting as Center registrar in interviewing prospective students and arranging course schedules; and being counsellor to veterans, Mr* Kostos did his own college work in engineering at Bucknell University* There he was prominent in varsity athletics: center on the football team and guard on the basketball team, Sigma Chi fraternity honored him with the Balfour Award as the most representative fraternity man in that area. After several years of engineering work, and experience as assistant football and basketball coach at Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Mr, Kostos became a teacher and coach. at Mt. Carmel High School, By 1939 he had also earned a Masters Degree in Education at Bucknell, • We are happy that Mr, Kostos has been elevated to the position of administrative head of our Center, and we as students know that our cooperation with him will make his work more enjoyable.. MAY DAY CEREMONY BEGINS AT 3 PM TOMORROW ATTEND ;# HAZLETCU nOLUGIAN rfeekly Nevis letter Edition The Pennnylvania State Untversity Center Hii,;hacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania -)H;-ISHHK-g-g-**-38£.4t-* it-Ntifiß-3R-3terrc** vay 21, 19514