May 7 $ 1954 CONVOCATION DINNER*DANCt CONVITTE HOLDS MEETING The general committee for the Honor Convocation Dinner-Dance met on Wednesday to report progress made on the plans for the dinner-dance which will be held at Genettils Pennsylvania Room on Thursda7 June 3 at 6:00 P::11, Walter Smerconish reported a six piece orohestra has been obtained and other general arrangements have been completed by the arrangements committee, consisting of Robert Scott, Chairman, Jan Magavich l and Walt Smerconish. Other committees giving reports were: Programs: Miss Garbrick (Chairman) 'Lillian Junas Robert Henney Norm Hall Lois Miller Shirley Ray Awards: Mr, Kostos (Chairman) Mr. Kostos Academie Mr, Mattern,Z,G.A. Mr. Peightal-Athletic Parnassus Society-Parnassus R.0.T,C.-Capt, Carper Collegian-Mr. Grubbs Twentieth Year Observance-Mt. Mattern and Committee Speaker Procurement- Mr, Campbell Vocal Music Arrangements- Miss Garbrick Invitations and Reservations- Pat Tomsho(Chairman) Ellen Iffert Mr. Mattern Publicity—George Mastrian Mr, Grubbs MR. ROBERT E. EICHE TO BE CONVOCATION SPEAKER W e Campbell announced today that IVlre Robert E. Eiche l first administrative head of the Hazleton Center and now Administrative Head of the Altoona Center, will be the principal Convocation speakere NOMINATIONS FOR PARNASSUS AVG,RD Nominations for Parnassus awards will be held Monday in the foyer of the main building, Members of both the freshman and sophomore class will be nominated; members of the freshman class will vote for freshman, and members of the sophomore class will vote for sophomores, Members of the faculty are also eligible to vote, From the ten highest students in each class, the members of Parnassus, through a process of elimination, will choose the award receiver. One member of the freshman class and one member of the sophomore Glass will be selected. All members of the student body and faculty are URGED to participate in the voting. NEW MEMBERS OF PaNASSUS TO BE RECEIVED This last week numerous qualified students who are eligible to be taken into Parnassus were being selected by members of Parnassus The selection should be complete by Fridayo Initiation of new members is to take place on May 14th. Standing members, faculty, and new pledges are invited to attend. MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND THE CONVOCATION DINNER-Dr''NCEO,O • YOU PAID FOR IT SO LETS MAKE THIS YEAR 1000,, HAZLET ON C OtTgGIAN Page #2
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