aich 26 1954 FREELAND EDWARDS MEHORIAL BASKET TOURNAMENT Regional fans were treated to basketball at its best the last two weeks as the post season basketball tournament swung into action at Freelands' YMCA courts The teams entered are loaded with talent most of them either local high school aces or former regional stars, Hazleton Center had its share of talent spread among the teams, Tuesday night, Cal's Billard with such stars as Mike Melfi, Charley Zack (HHS stars) and Hall [nci Boyle of the Center tumbled the Frank's Market team which included stars as: Zack Taylor, Vern Raoss, Ivan Michael, and Charley PoldlesayWHH3 fame Last nite the same Cal's Billard team was eliminated from the tourney by being defeated by the 'Williamsport Bottler team. Vince Leta, the scorer who was only second to Bevo Francis during the regular basketball season, led the Williamsport team to victory.o Tomorrow night the Championship will be decided 4 COLLEGE ART SOCIETY Monday evening, March 29, the College Art Society will present a film. This film, based on the opera The Marriage of Fipro, is a muscial in German with English sub-titles. The showing wtli takePlaTe in the main loUnge at 8:00 PM Those interested will be rewarded with a very enjoyable evening The cast for the production of Neal Hasey's one act play entitled THEY PUT ON A PLAY has been selected. The cast is as follows: Carolyn Arlotto Harriet Tulin Margie Brehm Lilly Junhs John Crine Bud Robinson Bob Valik There is still a vacancy for a male role. Anyone interested may contact George Mastrian. A Committee has been chosen to select movies for next year. The committee members are Mary Jane Sl:off and Virginia Muscavitch-supervised by Mr. Ward TRANSFER FORMS AVAILABLE For the hardworking students who are going to go the Main Campus next semester here is some news. The transfer forms are now available at the office and anyone transferring from here must fill out this form before leaving) These forms should be filled out as soon as possible so that there will not be any trouble when you go to the main campus, CALLING PEOPLE WITH SOME CAP. of:Elf Sad neßa.the term payments are due. For those who owe out the term payments the time to pay is near. The sooner you can go to the bookstore and pay, the happier the Bursar will be. IHAT'S THE SCOOP?? Our Main Lounge is getting newly painted walLsunder the able hand of Mr. C 407710, Merri Lu Lotito still thinks the new color is Pink but Joe Fierro says sandiewood, Well kids-its neither, It's a mixture of buffs and came out tan. Softball Team Managers Lilli Junas is looking for a berth on one of your teams, So, if you have any vacancies let Lilli know-and believe me boys, ne's better than some of you,----John Kubishin and Fran Lawrence came out from hiding and were seen limbering up for softball,--Nr Steel just made a new discovery in his Yon. Lab class-HA beautiful xylum in a Lilac Leaf" Dig that beeeuuutiful colorrrrlLS HAZ LET ON C OLLEGIAN by Ilona 'Veltman by Art Teel Page 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers