Harsh 12 195 b. S OROR.ITY Last Thursday evening the sorority had a business meeting with President Harriet Tulin presiding. Elections for May Day will be held on 'Monday in the foyer of the main building. TYPO sophomores girls and: two freshman girls will be elected. The Nay Queen is always a sophomore. The Kay Day Crowning is sponsored by the sorority : while the Student Council has charge of the Formal held that evenLn The results of the election will be found in next week's issue. EN GARDE Two semesters ago there was active interest in a fencing club. 14t prose there is still a glowing ember of interest waiting to be fanned by a few enthusiastic athletes both t.llows and girls, who will sign un for this activity in Captain Carper's office. According to the dictionary ) fencing is the art or practice of attack an , defense with the sword or foil. This exercise develops poise / and is a heck of a lot of fun. STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS At the regular meeting of the Student Council on Wednesday afternoon action was taken to circulate petitions for the Student Union Building. Each of the student council members has a certain number of students to see to get their signatures and opinions about the building. Co-operate with the counci]o rs so we can get rapid action on this building project. It was reported that the basketball team was able to make their trip to from Johnstown without additional fees from the Council. The athletic budget is still in the black. "YAK IT UPI' Betty: ilJust think l Yakko tried to put his arm around me four times last nitht, ll Ellen: u7ow, what an arraign Zany: ITA fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer." Syd: ItNo wonder so many of us flunk our finals." Papa Robin returned to his nest and announced proudly that he had made a deposit on a new Buick. A drunk got on a Broad Street bus and sat dawn beside an elderly white-haired old'lady. "You may not know it, said she, ' , But you're going straight to hell, young mane" The drunk jumped to his feet and hollered to the driver, 11 1,et me off, I'm on the wrong bus J 1 HAZ LET ON C OLLEGIAN Page 2