March 5 ) 1954 THE LATEST SCOOP --- RIGHT FROM HEADQUARTERS Perhaps they can use measures ( such as closing the girls' lounge) to some what limit the inexhaust!lble energy of the girls of Penn State Center. However, there is one thing that no one, absolutely no one, can limit...o that is the incessa: talking of girls. Despite the fact that the girls' lounge has been closed for a whole week, the latest news continues, as usual, to be communicated from girl to girl. So that the rest of the students will not be deprived of knowing about the h lights around the Center we have decided to let you know what's '.oing on. Here's some of the latest; A few members of the opposite sex, having a great deal of knowledge about terms and statements decided to use them. John Crine, arbor one of his usual dorm treatments, said , n Forgive them, Dean Krecker„ for they know not what they do". Mr. Steel, on a stormy day, after walking through S-101 during one of Mr. Peightal's political science classes conoerning'the topic nrugged individualise, said, as he reached the door and the icey blast, tPardon me, but Tim not a "rugged individualist.n Some of the girls, gteatly impressed by the movie " The Greatest Show On Eartl have formed the Sabastian Club. Incidentally theit song of the week is " Everybody doing it". If yeu're interested in learning the words contact Jackie Cohn; if you': a good learner perhaps she'll teach you the Toothßrush Song" too, There are going to be some Changes in courses for some of the girls. Betty Iffert has announced she wants to take a course in home nursing. Pat Tomsho rants to change to the two year engineering course. I suppose there will be some other girls going along with both of them, Larry Yannes„ a bit differert than the rest of the boys, has a very dainty bedroom. Most boys' bedrooms are blue", his is PINK and BLUE. After the first semester's marks the students have turned over a new leaf and decided to study in new ways. Lilli Junas just about recopies a book, Ed Bradley under lines practically an entire book, and Mike Blass colors all the pictures," Several nights ago, when several of the vets .went out for a sociable e7ening Clint Frank was supposedly lost° Homsver, what the rest of them didn?t realize was that he wasn't really lost. He just went home to bed—where they should have been at three in the morning. Wednesday night Tommy Breslin went to see his girl and didn't get home till four in the morning he said the car was stuck, but some of his friends ; , know:tng Tom, think he was just detainede Margie Brehm and Mary Ann Kawalickp in desperate need of money s found a new way to raise a penny * They took their shoelaces out of their shoes and sold them, It worked tool This is all the news for now. And this is also a hint to the rest of you students, if you want the "news of the day", ask the girls—they know it allo,"1" practically all anyway* Managing Editor-- George Mastrian Typists Carolyn Arlotto Mary Lou Lotito Mary Jane Skoff Stencils Shirley Ray Art Teel Reporters Ellen Iffert Lilli Junas Mary Lou Lotito HAZIE TON COLLEGIAN STAFF Shirley Ray Norby Turnbach Bob Henney Copy Editor -- Norm Hall Jack Di Liberto Ralph Catiho
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