March 5, 1954 continuation Bysura has stock in Studebaker Inc. ( a switch from Nash )A: ~,,,,That Jerry Root has changed the name of his car to nhe Mayflauern why?) La Mee de Espatol Doss La disc do Esovlol dos tiono dos sosiones unn semana l el martes y el juves. En clase los alunnos trantau de hablar cspanol Pero no lo hablan bien porque no estudian mucho sus leccionesr,; Algunas veces los alumnos no hablan bien el ingles y senorita Meralda Brennen perde la paciencial ....El Senor Hall masca la gonna de mascar, durante la clase. ....La Senorita lffert sabe todas las respuestas. (Ella es muy Intelligente. ....El Senor Zubaoh„ alias Zoom-Zoom„ se dice continuamente. ~..E1 Senor Gray es casi siempre confuse, ~..E1 Sehor Breslin tiene un asiento especialmente, ...E1 Senor McGeehan pronuncia las vocales con dificultad. ....El Senor Blass no acentua correetamente. ....Jorge Mastroianni es un bastezador la Senorita Lotito,es su rival. La muchacha es muy bonita y pecquetisima. La Senoritas Junas y Skoff hablen toda sesion pero no hablan la leccion, ($a Senorita Skoff es muy bonita, tambien y vende huevos„) ....Los Senores Swick, Mehalick y Alexandra son los bambinos favoritos de la Senorita Brennan, Algunos dias la maestra quiere arrancar la fibra; otras veces dice que se hace loco. Pero, ella nunca abandonara el barco hundimiento• COLLEGE ARTS On Monday eveningi March ly the College Arts Society presented the third in its series of films o The movie was a Spanish film with English subtitle entitled Dios Se Lo Pague o The attendence at this showing was very poor and many people lost an evening of enjoyment by their 'dis-interest. Preparations are being made to present done in the near future. "YAK IT UP" Jack- "Zook at Marge's swimming suit." Syd- "I can't see it. Some fellow has Jan- "You remind me of the ocean." Bear- "Wild, Romantic and Restless?" Jan- "No, you make me sick." MR. CAMPBELL ANSWERS PETITION (Edo Note) The letter on the next page was received by the Doilogian Office, and has been reprinted because of its importance to the Student Body HAt LET ON O'r!T G'ViN a short his arm one act play. This will be around her. Page 5 (Ask him