Vol. XVI No. 15 HALL-COUNCIL PRESIDENT; SCOTT-FROSH PRESIDENT Norm Hall, former president of the freshman class, has been elected president of the sophomore class and Bob Henney has been elected as Soph representative for Student flouncilo Bob Scott has been elected president of the freshman class; Thomas Gaydos, vice-president; Margie Brehm, Sec-treasurer; and Lilly Junas, student council member* In the elections, held Friday, 38 Freshman and 34 Sophmores voted. Election Committee members were Jack Burggraf, Pat Tomsho, and Ellen Iff Tellers were Nancy Maue, Harriet Tulin, and Ellen Iffert. Student Council for this Semester will consist of Norm Hall-Preside Bob Scott-Vice-President; Pat Tomsho-Secretary; Ellen Iffert -Treasurer; the following members) Roy Atherholt, Jack Taluskie s Bob Henney, Jack Bu and Lilly Junas. At the first meeting of the new council, which will be held this we, the standing committees and the social committe co—chairmen will be name , Plans will be made for activities to be held this semester * such as Cony the Class Picnic, and numerous dances and partiese CENTER FIVE SPLITS PAIR; DROPS TO SECOND PLACE Hazleton Center's Basketeers traveled to Johnstown and Altoona over the weekend dropping a one-point heartbreaker to Johnstown and soundly trouncing Altoona State by fourteen points. Johnstown Pitt continued to be the uthorn in Hazleton Center's bid for the Penna. Jr. College Basketball Crown by again handing our basket, a one point defeat-63 to 62, The last meeting at Hazleton High Gym produced an almost similar score as Johnstown edged Hazleton 6). to 63. Art Tracey of Johnstown took top honors of the evening as he tossed the game-winning field goal with 13 seconds remaining in the game. Saturday afternoon found our own Hazleton team in its flusualu top f as it handed Altoona'State its seventh defeat 68 to 54, Hazleton's loss Johnstown dropped the Center Five to second place in the standings. Unof Standings of the Penna. Jr.. College Conference are as follows: York Johnstown Haz,leton Hershey Keystone Altoona Mount Alto I,- 6 Wednesday Night— HAZLETON CENTER vs. KEYSTONE at Keystone HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania 6 1 7 2 3 5 2 5 2------7 6857 Games to Play— *Bs7 nn 777 .375 0 285 0 .222 443 February 1 5 5 . 3