Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 24, 1953, Image 2

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    Chippy: Hi fellow students:
Herets your old friend Chippy 1 -ack once again with the latest campus gossip.
You know Mary Donish is really becoming popular. I hear she's going to have
the job of raising the flag on Sat, mornings. (Speaking of the flag that flagpole
really looks happy now—doesnit it?)
The otherday I walked in the cafeteria wher I Heard (the) Earl Dittbrenner
giving some worthy advice to Bill Mmrse„ who seemed to be hatling a disagreement
with Flo Pustj. Earl said "now the' easiest thing to do is answer
I donit know'to everything," A few minutes later Ass Pasti said, "well, Bill,
What are you, a man or a mouse?" Taking E'rl's advice Bill answered, "I Con't
know" Now, now Earl That!t the second purdon you foL.Bd up this semester,
The other day I heard Mary Jane Skoff tell Lillian Junas that all you need
to attain success is push, She said-"push will get you anywhere." Lillian immed
iately responded "Oh yeah?" did you ever try to push a door marked pull?"
Mary Rock's definition osf a go-getter-
A man who runs out of gas 2 miles from a gas station.
The other day I heard Bob Heaney talking to one of his friends. He said,
"I love*work." His friend said l wWell if you love work why don't youfind it?"
He said, "alas, love is bltngt"
I heard that the Vet's smoke "impromtu cigarettes". They pick them up as
they go along.
I heard a few of the boys talking to Frank G 4 ttas the other day. They said,
"So you went out latt'night and raised the roof--I guess you finally got drunk,"
Frank answered "Oh no, you have to be drunk first to get the way I finally got,"
case you didn't know s ;was at the semi on Friday night and from where
I was sitting, I could see that Evelyn Tomasko and her dteam man from the campus
were enjoyin themselves immensely. That lovable expression on B e rnie's face
caused me to wonder if it yrs Evelyn or the punch that set him smiling.
Harriet Tulin, another gal with a campus beau s dance around like Cinderella
with her Prince Charming. One difference s Harriet did not have to be home by
The most romantic looking couple was Bob Henney and Mary Bissol. The cloud
they were dancing on was so high that Bobwas as tall as Norm Hall. Some cloudlllll
To change the subject for a minute, I dropped in on yr. Wilcox and his
fourth period ComP. class. It seems two fair damsels, namely H. Tulin and N. Naue l
are the reason our beloved Comp. Prof's hair is coming out. Come on, girls, let's
be a little more quiet.
Two of our Profs surprised their classes. Tarr. Peightal surprised his first
period history class with a quiz.. Mr. Krecker surprised his Psy. class with an
announcement pertaining to a Psy. test for Wed. Boy, do I like surprises, don't yo
Veron Raos is holding an investigation to find out who soape his car windows
Thursday night. I understand the penalty is "the culprit has to ”DRAG—A—NET" up
and down the hill five times." Vern, how could you be so cruel?