November 13, 1953 (Chippy Chit continued) question#o. o lf a child is born abroad, of foreign parents, and the parents came to reside in'the U.S. and become naturalized citizens, is the ch4d, who is three years old, a citizen?" Mr. Krecker asked Margie Brehm and Bob MINNICH to help out with the answer. Upon hearing no answer he said, Nell, Miss BREHM, would you throw the child in the ocean and tell him to swim home?" MARGIE, how could you be so cruel?. SOCIOLOGY class is really influencing ”BUDDYft ROBINSON. The other day I over— heard him giving some vital sociological facts to Frank GATTAS. It couldn't be that he was trying to influence the instructor because he wasn't around... What's the scoop HBUDDYft. If I may quote "RED" BUTTONS---"Strange things are happeningn. The other day I walked into the cafeteria and heard ILIRY DCNISH tell a few of her classmates that she was going to play Christmas Carols for them on her "UKELELE", Seeing to many Arthur Godfrey programs M.RY? it********7l******.rristifitibstitit-X-4t-if* Did you hetir CAPTAIN CARPERIS crazy auto---? A JAGUAR, Bob PROCHKO and Hat GALATHA are getting brave at the dancing classes---Theyfre dancing. Who knows we may see them at the SEMI. Mary Lou LOTITO was circulating a paper in Zoo the other day only to the boys. What was it FIERILY?. ***** X X X ****X**** X X ********* The following STUDENTS have made their reservations for the DANCE, Nov, 20the LAST NAME • Book Sheet Gastrocnemius Metatarsals Rectus Abdominal Van Tendon ***********3.4f*44t-3M-X-it-11-3£4*** NEW SONG --u -When My Check Comes Rollin Inn, ) sung by Billy STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing editor - George MastriAn Copy Editor Norm Hall Typists- Mary Jane Skoff, Maryann Kowaliok, Ralph Whither. Mary Bissol Nancy Maue Lilli Junas Ilona Weltmen HAZ LET ON COLLEGIAN 9S 2~)~f~ ~ :i-)r 2.tip;;-3~i:~-3.~3~2t-;'r~`t?~-Y-i~i~:~i-2~~Ei'c FIRST NAME 1. Ledgor 2, Account 3. Leroy L. Herman 5, Jane 6, Harriet CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Key and John KRAYKICK Bernie Gromniak, Art Teel Bob Henney John DiLiberto Bob Scott Page #5